10.2: why does it take 25 seconds to sleep my powerbook?


I installed 10.2 last week. It's been great: this is one smooth, slick operating system! But for the past few days, when i choose sleep it takes probably 25 seconds for it to sleep. it went to sleep immediately before when I first installed.

Any ideas?

I'm running PB G4 550/512mb ram


I am on a small network with one other computer and a printer, BUT this has never been a problem before in terms of sleep time. I checked my energy settings - set to highest performance.

I'm at a loss.
25 seconds is not bad. But it could be that the system is checking for any activity in the network. Are you sharing files ? If you turn that off, it should speed up things.

Check the energy saver one more time. Click on the options tab and uncheck all the options.
It is bad considering that under 10.1.5 it was instantaneous! no delay, one second and sleeping! Now it's slower than under OS 9... : (

Let me guess.. upi updated over your existing 10.1.5 installation?

If so, I have read tons of times that upgrading does't work nearly as well as a clean install. Just installed 10.2 on two machines. One was an upgrade and the other a clean install. The difference is like night and day. The upgraded machines takes 1-2 minutes to boot up, the clean install no more than 30 seconds.

Try a fresh and clean install.
No, I updated first and when I was disappointed with speed I did a total clean install....also, it worked for the first few days perfectly (immediate wakeup and sleep). Only later, after a few days, did it start acting up....

thanks anyway...