I was there for the grand opening, and now I was there for the Jaguar release! It was cool! heh
We got there around 9:30 and we where aprox #87-89 in line, the line thrippled in size at 10... no idea what the final count was before they opened the doors.
Friend of mine bought the Family-Pack 5 License since he has a Tower, iBook and his GF also has an iBook... my other friend and I where just there for the experience and to enter to win a Mac.
I played with the new Dual 1Ghz PowerMac with Jaguar, and you better belive I put it to test... Ran VPC with Windows 98SE, Painter, and iTunes with the visualizer running and was browsing the web with Windows (no other real apps in it).
iTunes never droped below 40 FPS nor did it ever skip a beat. VPC w/Win98SE ran smooth... much better than it ran on my System - but don't know if that's because it's almost twice the speed mines is, Quartz Extreme or both. heh
I want Jaguar NOW! Dangit!
Speaking of which, just checked the order for the Office computer - and OS X 10.2 SERVER is out of delivery today... Ack!

So we should get that on Monday.
Still no word on the actual Mac (for office) with my Jaguar (home edition - not Server).
I almost broke down and bought it last night! heh