10.3.2 Startup Time - Fix


Has anyone been following up the post at apple.com regarding the startup time after installing 10.3.2?

There's a recent post of a fix and wondering if anyone has tried it and does this line in Terminal actually do any harm on the system? Or should I wait for 10.3.3 to be released and hopefully it'll fix this?

10.3.1 Startup Time: 52 secs
10.3.2 Startup Time: 1 min 48 secs

15" TiBook, 1GHz, 1GB Ram, 60GB Drive, Superdrive
Just to clarify, the fix stated in that discussion is this:
sudo cp /System/Library/Extensions/BootCache.kext/Contents/Resources/BootCacheControl /usr/sbin

It translates as "Make a copy of the file BootCacheControl in the /usr/sbin" directory.

The reason this works is that this file is called for during startup, and the system expects the file to be in the /usr/sbin directory. Looking at this command, I can see no way that it could damage your system (unless there is an existing BootCacheControl file in /usr/sbin, which there isn't on my system).
Thanks for the info. Did Apple intentionally slow down the startup time for a reason? Or is it a bug?
You can also use a symbolic link:
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Extensions/BootCache.kext/Contents/Resources/BootCacheControl /usr/sbin/BootCacheControl

This would be better because if Apple updates the one in /System/Library then you will have the wrong version in /usr/sbin
WOW! That is an amazing difference! It totally skipped all the "Loading Internet", "Loading Apache" etc in the bootup process.
BTW, several restarts + a property correction + MacJanitor does help a lot too.
Wow....Okay...that's CRAZY FAST compared to the original bootup. I did the symlink first but that didn't seem to work as well as the actual copying of the file. Whatever..regardless, it's working super fast now..cut the boottime on my iBook by about a minute and a half :)
Why not try a Hard link? it will still be updated if apple makes changes to the original file, but the system will think the file is in /usr/sbin
3:21 before anything
3:20 on first start up
2:45 on second startup

(look below for specs)
i used the cp command.
the official fix from Apple is to run sudo cp -p /System/Library/Extensions/BootCache.kext/Contents/Resources/BootCacheControl /usr/sbin

Apparently, for those that are asking, Apple just forgot to move this directory from one place to another.

My boot time, like everyone else is at least 25-50% faster.
Just read this piece of information and wondering what you guys think...

"This [the Terminal line that Apple provided] will potentally speed up your computer's boot up proccess... but when 10.3.3 comes up, you may have to archive and install 10.3 and do the combo update.
Again, don't do this unless you can't wait any longer, and need the faster boot times period."

Quoted from: http://discussions.info.apple.com/WebX?14@74.MwqIavxhqwc.1@.599e9a0e
I don't believe it. Unless they update that specific file, and "forget" to copy it to where it should be again(/user/sbin) then there shouldn't be a problem.
Hey captain, i just joined the community. it would be great to have start up go faster, but can this do any damage and do you think if you did this comand that you should undo it before updating to 10.3.3?

snø...aka echo