

Umm. Maybe it's because I have a headache or because it's early, but I can't find the patch to update my 10.2.8 to the new 10.3. Software update is saying it's available for download and looking around the net isn't helping much.
Mikel said:
Umm. Maybe it's because I have a headache or because it's early, but I can't find the patch to update my 10.2.8 to the new 10.3. Software update is saying it's available for download and looking around the net isn't helping much.

10.3 is not available as a free upgrade. You must buy it. I actually upgraded yesterday from 10.2.8. First I didn´t want to buy 10.3 beacause I just bought 10.2, but finally I did. 10.3 is worth the money because it makes my old Ibook 500mhz fly ;)
is it necessary to wipe your machine and do a fresh install? i'd quite like to load up panther, but can't face the several weeks it seems to take before i've managed to get everyhting back to normal (passwords, etc).

is there any way of making a complete sytem backup, that could be installed to return the machine to its current state? ....like "ghost" for the pc.
You can just do an upgrade, or archive and install from the Panther CD and you won't lose anything.
cool, cheers for that

.... what about the second part of the question? is there anyway of making a complete copy of your entire system, that could possibly be installed at a later date?

this has nothing really to do with panther, i'm just curious from a backup point of view. i'd like to be able to make my system (as it is at the moment) into installable DVD's (or similar). I've had 2 fatal system crashes in the last 3 years, and although everything was backed up, it still took ages to get up and running again. it would be very helpful to be able to simply install the complete system from either DVD, or a network drive.

it would make installing a new version of the OS, less daunting too.