10.3.4 is out

soulseek said:
and btw kbps its kilobits per second.... kb/s is kilobytes per second... there is no kBps :)

I don't see why you couldn't use kBps when kbps is correct, so that seems to me like some lame statement you made up to protect yourself from complete humiliation :D
i didnt make up anythin, i really dont care bout u or anythin u say.. so wouuldnt really be humiliated...

in theory, there could be kbps and kBps..... but theyre not used,..

or maybe im just plain wrong.... im used to dealin with Mbits here in sweden...
i know .. havin such a fast internet connection for almost no money can get annoyin ....
hey, hey, hey... :) Calm down, ye'all. I know it's my fault. My nitpicking was unnecessary.

ksv: The reason I've used "KB" is because the Mac is using this ever since I'm using a Mac. (Or was it even only "K" in the really old past?) But I know it's "wrong" scientifically.
what is wrong and right ?? really depends from what point of view u see it..
scientifically, and according to the SI system.. using yards and pounds and feet as length and weight measurements is wrong... metres and grams are the correct ones... try tellin that to the americans .... or british.. etc.. :P
soulseek said:
what is wrong and right ?? really depends from what point of view u see it..
scientifically, and according to the SI system.. using yards and pounds and feet as length and weight measurements is wrong... metres and grams are the correct ones... try tellin that to the americans .... or british.. etc.. :P


Sorry, I have to reply to this one, as I'm working within science. "Scientifically" (i.e. according to the S.I. system), definitions tend to be strict, although things become more loosely used in practice (and then cracked down upon by the sticklers). To the best of my knowledge, strictly speaking "kilo" should never be abbreviated to "K" but only to "k." "K" is indeed reserved for "Kelvin." Also, the use of units like "feet" is not wrong, just not S.I. units. On the other hand, using "K" instead of "k" is considered wrong because the incorrect label can lead to confusion, rather than simply citing a different form of unit.

With regards to kilobits and kilobytes...



Bits tend to be referred to as "b" and bytes tend to be referred to using "B." Erm, slightly illogically with regards to the "kilo" part, "kilobits" becomes "kb" and "kilobytes" becomes "KB." I guess "kilobits per second" should really be "kb/s" or "kb s^-1" though we often see "kbs" or "kbps." Likewise for "kilobytes per second." I think we do need to be clear about the difference between referring to kilobits and kilobytes, as people can otherwise become confused.

Concerning the British use of units, I think you'll find S.I. units to be fairly widespread in the U.K. The use of "miles" is the only example I can think of offhand where it has really stuck. ;)
soulseek said:
or maybe im just plain wrong.... im used to dealin with Mbits here in sweden...
i know .. havin such a fast internet connection for almost no money can get annoyin ....

Sverige? Pratar ni svenska? Jättekul :p
So I guess you're enjoying your state-subsidized broadband connection? Communist! :D
lol ksv :)

anyways what bbloke posted about abbreviations was really interesting.. and thanx for that...
although weve got ourselves a bit slightly off topic, im allways wellcome to newer things...
it appears fryke was correct after all..

KB is the abbreviation for kilobytes.
kb is the abbreviation for kilobit.
therefore KB/s is kilobytes per second
and kb/s is kilobits per second.

altough these may be confusing for us familiar to the SI system, they must be accepted are standard abbreviations :) quite interesting :)
soulseek said:
theres nothon we can do bout it... go to an apple discussion forum and ask for help, call apple...

be angry, i frankly dont care,
im more interested in the problems, or the news.... not ppl whining!
bah. I didn't say you could do anything. and if it's breaking stuff, it's considered news, no matter how much you say it's not... but ditto to you mate. I don't really care what you think either.
Gee what a kitty scratching little thread here. I can completely relate to gerbick's frustration with update related problems and such a nasty little reply from soulseek leads me to assume he is still seeking for that soul.