10.3.9 - Sound slider is grayed out, can't adjust sound easily


Hello everybody,

Before delving right in, I should mention the other troubles my G5 (PPC) has been experiencing recently. First my computer crashed a few days ago while trying to read a DVD, and when I tried starting it back up, I got an "endless blue screen". I used some suggestions from Apple support, but nothing seemed to help much. Finally something worked enough to let me boot up [outside of safe-mode]...

... which leads to my main issue. My sound slider in the Finder, when selected, shows it grayed out with the ball at the very bottom. I can usually pull the ball up or down to adjust the sound when it's coming out of the speakers, but whenever I plug in headphones, it comes out LOUD. And no matter how I try to adjust it, it stays at that volume.

Sadly, I'm afraid this might have to do with my earlier crash, since upon launching iTunes just now, it claims it's now suddenly damaged. :/ I reeeeally don't want this to give out on me...

Thanks, if I can even fix this one problem at a time, it would be great. So any advice would be appreciated. :)
Save your data.

Save your data.

Then try an Archive and Install from your installation disks. A Clean Install maybe more reliable if you have your data saved on another disk, et cetera.

All right. I'll see how much I can cram onto an external drive and then try to dig out the install disks... hopefully. :/ Thank you.