10.4.6 upgrades problems


I don't know if anyone else is experiencing any "hiccups" from updating to 10.4.6 but I have 2 major issues that have resulted and I would caution others before upgrading.

1) I used to have my 12" PowerBook connected (via my router) to my Windows PC (since I require both for work) but now when I try to map the drive the PC refuses to "see" my PBook. I go to Systems Preferences and turn on Windows Sharing and put in the numbers provided but the Windows machine cannot connect. I can do the exact same thing with my G4 tower and it recognizes it just fine. It is running 10.4.4.

2) This one is really odd... I can no longer visit certain websites. (http://www.swanlake.bc.ca/) On both Safari and FireFox it comes up "dead link" although on my G4 Tower and Windows machine it works fine. I even emailed myself the URL just to make sure I wasn't typing it incorrectly. This is a problem since I have been hired to update the website.

Now I am in a position where I will need to "roll-back" the OS version , which because I don't have the Archive/Backup thing setup I will have to do a re-install. Although I will certainly install the Archive option this time as I may occasional need to "rollback" if something like this happens again.

Any other ideas as to how to fix #1 problem?

Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Hm.... how is the 12" pb getting an IP address?

Sounds like a network routing issue to me. Can your 12" PB see the other mac and vis versa?
Hello UpQuark77,

Yes, my PB can network with my G4 and the G4 can network with the Windows PC. The PB used to be able to network with the Windows PC before the 10.4.6 upgrade. All machines have internet access.

I go to the System Preferences and copy the Windows Sharing info (ie: \\\) under the map drive on the Windows PC and it can't find it. I do the exact same thing for the G4 information and it finds it in a few seconds and maps it easily.

The recent upgrade is the only variable I can pinpoint it to. Nothing else has changed: no PC updates, no router changes, etc.

I'm still working on how to to "fix it".


I have just started to notice that the PB is now running very warm (55-59'C) when it's idle (ie: no software is running just the finder). It used to only do this kind of temperature when I was doing video editing. Now, it just starts the cooling fan while nothing is running.

I'm very perplexed.

I am very comforatable saying that the update, as coincidental as it seems, didn't break the PB. I have both a G4 tower and a PB as well, and they both connect to my PC server where I located our backup directories. Both Macs are running .6 update.

BUT saying that and having it work are two different things. Have you tried to assign a static IP address to the PB including the correct router and DNS servers? Is the PB connected via wireless or ethernet?

try the smb trick: in Finder - Click on GO - Connect to Server then SMB://ipaddress/share. I hate to sound like a simpleton, but is the share available on the PC ?

The warming is a puzzler - I would download menumeters and see what is taking cycles. Being idle won't do it - something must be running to generate heat. Also, check your power settings.
>I am very comforatable saying that the update, as coincidental as it seems, didn't break the PB.

That certainly is possible it just seems very odd that these errors started happening at the same time.

Thanks for your assistance so far. I will try the things you mentioned and let you know what happens.


I wasn't getting too far so I decided to reload 10.4 (using Archive and Install) and then Combo upgrade to 10.4.4. Without changing anything on the PC I can now easily map my PBook and that website I could not view on either Safari or Firefox now loads fine.

I'm not sure exactly what was happening but it seems that 10.4.6 didn't go well over too with my PBook. I think I will hold off any upgrades for a while.

For the record I am connected using ethernet.

Thanks for you input UpQuark77. I appreciate it.

