10 year old Apple Powerbook has Intel inside!

I think it's kinda funny that ms just copies almost everything mac does... Apple makes iTunes/iMovie and here comes windows media player and that microsoft video editing software. Apple makes airport (what, 4 years ago?) and then ms brings centrino with the same marketing... but kudos too ms, they did something right in acquiring 90% market share...
Originally posted by mr. K
I think it's kinda funny that ms just copies almost everything mac does... Apple makes iTunes/iMovie and here comes windows media player and that microsoft video editing software. Apple makes airport (what, 4 years ago?) and then ms brings centrino with the same marketing... but kudos too ms, they did something right in acquiring 90% market share...

I think you're getting Microsoft and Intel confused. Centrino is an Intel product and it differentiates itself from anything that Apple has in that the wireless support is built into the cpu itself, not just a part of the notebook.

Also, it's not like Apple invented video editing software or cd ripping/audio compression software. Apple is simply jumping in to fill a role that was sorely missing on the low end. Unfortunately for the Windows ISV crowd, M$ is once again providing more functionality in their "built in" Windoze software, making it tougher for the little guys. Are they doing this in response to Apple, yes and no. Media player has been following a path of functionality that is fairly natural. Video editing though was probably "inspired" by iMovie. This could simple be M$ letting Apple break some legal ground for them. Hard to argue against M$ bringing out this type of software when Apple has the same thing (and a bigger lock on it's market than M$ does).