Originally posted by Vash137
How on earth do u get your entire hard disk to be shareable!
I've been trying to figure that out for soooooo long!
Someobyd please tell me how to share your hardisk with 4 other computers.
Under which crcumstances??
not impossible, but you wouldn't want to make everything readable and writable globally. not on the startup disk anyway....
in OS 9 and a local only network it s a trivial set-up. just enable guest access and give guests the priveleges you want to . AFAIK only the fonts and the system suitcase may not be modified or in some cases copied, in a running system.
for OSX, you could easily share any or all user folders by using netinfo to create a group which you then assign all of the (or one particular) member name and access password.
then change the group ownerid of all the folders(and files) which you want to share to that group. Then check the Finder info privileges to see that what you have set is true, or adjust accordingly.
That is more desirable than say, giving out a password which has adminstrator access...
remember... if you start changing id/gid and permissions of system controlled directories and files, you are asking for and will get ---trouble.
A secondary volume or partition just give guest access in the get info panel... the system is not controlling much there.
for example, classic may refuse to start, sendmail will certainly refuse to start...
if you just make the volumes accessable, other OSX machines have the option to "ignore permissions on this volume"
and, if you set the ability to send apple events from remote machines, remote users may, with the correct permissions...., control your machine.
So rather than give you a step-by-step-for-dummies style explanation it would be better to explore the tools which are available and make your own informed decisions regarding the security and operability of your system versus your real-world needs and requirements.

"<b>thinking different</b> is only the first step in thinking for yourself"
I forgot...
the afpovertcp is 548 not 543 which is used for Kerberos Login....
see /etc/services
looking for "apple" and "afp" for a complet list.