The Combo Drive model is now $1599, and the Superdrive $1799 (was $1999). I think the 15" is also a little cheaper, but the 17" looks like it's the same price.
Originally posted by fryke
Erhm... The 12" _does_ have Airport Extreme, for your interest. Only, you have to add the card yourself to the price.
Originally posted by Sogni
Woah, really??? I musta missed that! I thought it wasn't Airport Extreme capable when I read it didn't have Airport Extreme! If I can add it - well, that changes everything!
I'll look at it again, thanks!
So, then... maybe I'll be getting it within 60 days?![]()
Originally posted by cf25
but seriously, how long does it take you to transfer these "large" files? From my experience, its not really that big of a deal. only rarely do you really care if that cd image gets there in 2 seconds versus 20.
Originally posted by kendall
these "large files" (GB) can take hours with AE as compared to several minutes with ethernet.
so yeah, I REALLY DO CARE if it gets there in several minutes compared to SEVERAL HOURS.
Originally posted by arden
Grar... maybe he doesn't need to transfer files that large very often.
As far as the 15"ers go... it's been close to 6 months since their release, right? That means we'll probably see something at WWDC or MWNY (or is it Boston?).
Originally posted by kendall
these "large files" (GB) can take hours with AE as compared to several minutes with ethernet.
so yeah, I REALLY DO CARE if it gets there in several minutes compared to SEVERAL HOURS.
Originally posted by buggerit
Man.. i haven't been on this forum that long (and i'm not trying to start a flame war), but would it hurt you to be a little less of a complete ***? every person in the world has different requirements, and each technology is good for some/not good for others. So don't knock AE just cause it's not as fast as ethernet. news flash numnut, airport is NOT wired, and therefore of course it will be slower. jesus christ, stop taking everyone down just because you don't like a certain tech for what YOU personally do.
By the way, i've transferred 600mb disk images between two 12" PB's (edit: using airport) , and it takes a little over 5 minutes. and 100mbit ethernet only has a realistic throughput of 10-20 mbits/s in real world. suddenly the figures arn't just so incredibly different, are they?
And for those who need to transfer large large files, clearly technology is a limiting factor your ability to do that quickly (wired or wireless), whereas you are not limited in getting your spankin' useless arse out and buying a $10 firewire cable (unless you have no legs, then you have to order over the 'net)
Originally posted by cf25
dont yell at me, but what kind of files are you transferring around that are over a gig? and i'm curious, but why do you have to transfer them?
i'm trying to wrap my mind around what type of work you would be doing that requires to to use files that big much less have to tranfer them frequently.