Unofficial Mac Genius
Holy cats!
I was reading up on the new MPEG 4 technology included in the QuickTime 6 Public Preview, and I saw this quote on this page of Apple's website:
The asterisk just says, "See the AAC website for reference."
That floors me. If everything that I read on Apple's site is true, MPEG4 technology will certainly overhaul the digital music sector again, just like MP3 did. Much better quality, smaller file sizes, less CPU power to decode everything seems great.
I'm just thinking about it: what if soon after QuickTime 6 is released, Apple releases iTunes 2.1 which is compatible with AAC audio and can encode it, and then Apple releases a firmware update to the iPod to allow it to handle AAC audio. That would probably transform my iPod into a music player that can hold, say, maybe 1500 audio files instead of 1000! That would be sooo awesome.
I just hope the rest of the world (*ahem*Windozepeeps*ahem*) realize that MPEG4 technology is beneficial and will adopt it as quickly as Mac users undoubtedly will. I would hate to be toting around my iPod with AAC audio in it while all those suckers are out there encoding in MP3 audio still. While I could still control my music, file sharing services might still offer only MP3-encoded songs, which would be bad.
I can't wait for QuickTime 6 and Jaguar. At most, what, three months?

I was reading up on the new MPEG 4 technology included in the QuickTime 6 Public Preview, and I saw this quote on this page of Apple's website:
AAC compressed audio at 128 kbps (stereo) has been judged by expert listeners to be indistinguishable from the original uncompressed audio source.*
The asterisk just says, "See the AAC website for reference."
That floors me. If everything that I read on Apple's site is true, MPEG4 technology will certainly overhaul the digital music sector again, just like MP3 did. Much better quality, smaller file sizes, less CPU power to decode everything seems great.
I'm just thinking about it: what if soon after QuickTime 6 is released, Apple releases iTunes 2.1 which is compatible with AAC audio and can encode it, and then Apple releases a firmware update to the iPod to allow it to handle AAC audio. That would probably transform my iPod into a music player that can hold, say, maybe 1500 audio files instead of 1000! That would be sooo awesome.
I just hope the rest of the world (*ahem*Windozepeeps*ahem*) realize that MPEG4 technology is beneficial and will adopt it as quickly as Mac users undoubtedly will. I would hate to be toting around my iPod with AAC audio in it while all those suckers are out there encoding in MP3 audio still. While I could still control my music, file sharing services might still offer only MP3-encoded songs, which would be bad.

I can't wait for QuickTime 6 and Jaguar. At most, what, three months?