15.4" or 17" i7 MBP

Paul C

Hi all,

I've just sold me 2009 2.26 13" MBP and my 2.5 i5 Mac Mini to get an i7 MBP, basically with my £1100 I was looking on eBay and I can either get an early 2011 17" model or a 15.4" Oct 2011.

I've always wanted a 17" MBP but I wondered if the performance of the late 2011 15.4" will be a lot better than the early '11 17"? I know that their both quad core i7's but the main concern for me is the upgraded 512/1gb graphics in the newer MBP's.

What are your thoughts guys (an gals)?


IMHO, and since size is of no concern to me, but portability is, go for the 17". I doubt you'll see much performance difference in the two unless you regularly use graphic intensive apps, and then not drastic.
To be honest I think the 17" i7 is a couple of £'s out of my budget, I could only afford an i5 2010 one :(

Looks like it's a 15.4" i7 then :D
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It is not the SIZE of the display but the way you use it to stimulate [Right! Stop that!--Ed.]

Seriously, I went for the smaller screen for portability. A few flights with people struggling with 17" convinced me I was right.

Let me rephrase that. . . .
