15" AlBook- How 'bout them keyboards pressin' against them screens?


As the owner of a spiffy new 15" Aluminum PowerBook, I have to ask- if I close this thing, are there going to be keyboard marks on the screen after a while? This happened with my previous old TiBook, so once I got the screen replaced, I put a paper towel in between to prevent the marks. How cautious do I have to be with the AlBook?
I'd buy a keyboard cover type thing from OWC or some other place just in case, it's worth the $10-$20. I've seen many a laptop with imprints of the keys on the lcd display...so eh...I have one for my 14" iBook and so far so good, have had it for a year with no screen indents and it's heavily used.
Not sure.

Someone somewhere else had mentioned that the newer PowerBooks' keyboards were more recessed now that they are not removable, and key caps marks aren't as likely.
Put something on they keys of your new Book (something that you can easily clean up, like powdered sugar, or something else—be creative) and close the lid. If the stuff gets on the screen, then get a screen cover.
HMm Arden, I know what you're getting at, but I'd be reluctant to put ANYTHING like that on my keyboard because it would get into the keyboard, and could scratch the screen. try shining a torch through the gap when it's closed? I try to remember to either but the foam that came with my iBook or a piece of paper between mine when it's closed. My dad's TiBook is HIDEOUS with marks from not only the keyboard, but also a trackpad outline.

Ergh he does NOT look after it lol. almost all the grey paint is chipped, cracked or gone, the screen in a little warped.. lol.. But he doesn't pay for his computers... damn businesses lol
Yeah, I know there's a chance of damaging or gunking up your machine, but it's still something to think about. You could use Scotch tape, or, um, paint... or blood... ;)
I would not suggest or even think about putting powdered sugar on a book new or used.


Use one of those thin foam sheets just to be on the safe side. :)
heh, first, I tried shining a flashlight through it when closed... didn't work. Could see it shine through in some places, but not in others.... not a very clear picture of what was happening when closed.

Considered the powdered sugar idea for a moment, then realized what a messy idea it was. Especially since I can't remove the keyboard for cleaning.

So, guess I'll put something thin and soft in between... better safe than sorry.
My buddies at work got pretty gunky after a couple of months.

Im using the thin peice of foam-paper that came sandwiched in there. I just put it under the laptop when Im working.
Got the keyboard marks problem on both my iBook (G3 800) and wife's PB 12". No real problem with everyday use, but when we travel and things get shaken up the key marks show up. I've taken to inserting a folded paper towel (better than spending $15 on a piece of neoprene, eh?). This seems to take even the abuse I dish out, which included riding 6000 miles with it in a motorcycle saddlebag this fall.

I did find that I was able to clean the marks off (mostly) with those little computer screen handi-wipes - the Apple-recommended ones.

- Bob
If you have a laptop bag with straps to secure it remeber if you keep the straps too snug they will press the screen down harder against the keys. This is how I ended up with a lot of keyboard marks on my previous laptop. In my zest to keep it secure I ended up damaging it, oops. Lesson learned. On the bright side - it was a Dell, not a Mac. ;)
Putting ANYTHING organic on your computer is foolish. Powdered sugar would surely void the warranty.

I'll second the suggestion to get a thin piece of protective material and keep that in there when the 'book is closed.
Yeah... guess I'm going to keep up my habit of using a soft paper towel. It's worked so far. Never had to do this with my PowerBook G3. Oh well. That's the price you pay for all this compact-ness
well lord knows the new 15 doesnt have problems heh ::ha::
replaced my panel twice cause of white spots but this one is finally nice hope it doesnt come back
fbp, I think you're right. I see 3 probable reasons for the screen to be elevated over the keyboard as it is on the 15" AlBook:

1. If the PB takes a fell, this may put some of the force on the hinge, thus protecting the screen
2. If you close your PB while hot, air can still escape so the heat doesn't damage the screen
3. If you close the lid, keys don't touch the screen, thus preventing marks on the screen
... on my AlBook. It looks great. The only thing I notice is when closed the display looks slightly warped. the right side sticks up a little bit and the left side looks like it just barely misses the case. Not a problem, the screen is perfect, but it is the ONLY thing I can find wrong with my new baby.


If I had an ibook/powerbook I would get one.
I've got one for my ipod and it's great.

Keeps the oil from your fingers and other dirt and grime off your keys.

Just remember to remove it when you close your lid.