17 has arrived!

wow, I wish it was mine! I could put it up in my room, but it would barely fit. Its got me drooling all over my kb!
that's nice :) ... i mean, it's not really luggable, but's it's certainly one of the nicer UNIX and graphics workstations I've seen in the history of computing...
I read on one of the rumor sites that they are shipping, but in very small numbers. Something about them having problems with them. Not sure what.
The Denver Apple store got 17 last friday. I happened in there about 30 minutes after they arrived and cancelled my internet order on the spot and bought me one of theirs!!!

oh boy, it's neat...

I was stuck in a blizzard here in Denver all last week, and reading some review on some site about a guy who just picked his up. so I chanced going into the store the day Apple reopened, and it worked out just right for me.

it is big...but that screen makes it all worth it. My old Dell (work) laptop weighs just as much and is a TOTAL piece...I'm one happy camper!!!!!!!
Originally posted by iscaro
How is it for work?

It shold be quite fast and good to wok with...

Tell us... :D
if you're asking me- it's sweet!
I agree tho, it is a bit large, but I hafta have the screen real estate. 12" doesn't cut it there for me (altho that little package is so nice!)

it's so dang fast. I've got a 2nd 512mb chip on it's way in the mail, so it'll have a gig in a few more days.
I love being able to fit two browser windows side by side - and since I do a lot of design work (why I like a big display) it's great to have all those windows next to each other while I work.

I've got to say as a 'switch(-back)er' after about 12 years, I couldn't be happier. now all my co workers and friends are ready to make the Mac purchase too!! I love it!

if ya got any specific questions about it, let em fly, I'll answer them as I can.
Just got mine!!

still setting it up, but this message is coming to you live from my new 17 powerbook and being sent over my airport network!!
Originally posted by quiksan

if ya got any specific questions about it, let em fly, I'll answer them as I can.

how silent the machine actually is?? I got an 17" iMac recently and I had expected it to be way quieter than it is. Well, it is quiet, but not completely silent. How about the Powerbook then?
Originally posted by tiselday
how silent the machine actually is?? I got an 17" iMac recently and I had expected it to be way quieter than it is. Well, it is quiet, but not completely silent. How about the Powerbook then?

sorry for the delayed response - have been busy!

ok, S I L E N T !!!!!
like, you don't hear this thing unless the volume is on and you're actually listening to something, or if there's a CD/DVD in, you hear it spin up at first.
The fan doesn't turn on almost at all. Usually it's after I've had it running stright for like 6 hours, and it begins to warm up enough to need the fan for maybe 15 minutesto dissipate the heat, then it's silent again.

only other time the fan comes on is if I'm in bed, and the laptop is on teh covers - it can't vent the heat as easily that way. but that's my fault. leave the powerbook alone! :)

it's seriously amazing that the heat dissipates so well (a nod tot he aluminum casing, there), and even when the fan is on, it's still a barely audible hum.
I have had mine about two weeks now. I got it Mar 29 from CompUSA. I got the first and only one they had. I really like it. I was worried it might be to big but its size works for me. I am using as a desktop replacement.
I have just been using iMovie3 the most. You can not make iMovie go into full screen on the 17.
I like the wirless capabilities and I intend to get airport extreme base and cable modem for home.
