17" Powerbook: Fan won't stop since Tiger


Ever since I installed Tiger 2 days ago on my 17" G4 1 ghz Powerbook the cooling fan won't stop running. Well, it does if I unplug my PB and go to battery power, but if the PB is plugged in then the cooling fan is running. Have any other PB owners noticed anything similar?
As suggested by ElDiablo ..., your problem may be Virex. Uninstall it if you have it using its uninstaller if you can find it (I thought it was on .Mac, but now can't find it there). Originally, the fan problem was not associated with pBooks being plugged in and using Virex. But, now I have seen a report indicating the the problem only occurred for the poster when the pBook was plugged in. Uninstalling Virex was the fix. If you don't have Virex, use Activity Monitor to ferret out any app hogging way too much processor and quit it. If everything is OK for a while at least, then you may want to uninstall the app. On the uninstaller, it may get installed when Virex is installed. Also, it may be in the Virex disk image.
Its on the Virex disk image. I uninstalled Virex, and while I didnt have the fan problem, my CPU was running almost 100% constantly until I uninstalled it. It was that VShield.
I have the same problem. In my case it's related to a java application that streams real time stock info. It seems that windows are rendered differently under Tiger. The java application is invoked through Safari. As soon as that happens activity monitor shows a huge increase in Safari CPU process under Windowserver.
The Ghost said:
As suggested by ElDiablo ..., your problem may be Virex. Uninstall it if you have it using its uninstaller if you can find it (I thought it was on .Mac, but now can't find it there). Originally, the fan problem was not associated with pBooks being plugged in and using Virex. But, now I have seen a report indicating the the problem only occurred for the poster when the pBook was plugged in. Uninstalling Virex was the fix. If you don't have Virex, use Activity Monitor to ferret out any app hogging way too much processor and quit it. If everything is OK for a while at least, then you may want to uninstall the app. On the uninstaller, it may get installed when Virex is installed. Also, it may be in the Virex disk image.

Thanks everyone, I'll remove Virex. I did check my Activity Monitor yesterday and the cpu seemed to be running extremely high with nothing on the monitor claiming responsibility for that much of the usage. Hopefully that's the sign of the Virex issue...

Found the uninstaller here: http://www.networkassociates.com/us/downloads/beta/virex/virex76.htm
I too have a 17" PB with a constantly running fan.

My problem though, is I don't have Virex installed, and the CPU is constantly LOW. it's not working hard, it just runs the fan ALL THE TIME.

I'd assume that Tiger sett he fan tripping temp much lower than previously? I don't know what else it could be. I've monitored the processes with TOP, MenuMeters, and Activity Monitor, and can't find any culprit.

so if anyone's got suggestions, I'm very open to them.

First, uninstall Norton everything. But, your problem is likely to be an administrative process called "update." To date, the problem with update has not been solved as far as I know. Your problem also might be with Spotlight. Check here.
i have a new pb 17", 1.67ghz. same problem--fan has been running ever since i took it out of the box and turned it on. it stopped when i ran apple hardware test, and stayed off after restarting. but then i put it to sleep and when i woke it up, bingo, the whoosh is back.

the ghost, you mentioned an admin process, but the link you give is only available to pro members, which is paid. any other handy references? i've found surprisingly little about this problem, especially on apple's support forum.

i've only had the system a week or so, but it's pretty annoying, and i think it's killing my battery life. i want to know if it's worth doing a complete reinstall, or if i just need to call apple at this point.

thanks for any help, it's much appreciated.
I have a 1.33meg 17" PowerBook with 2gig of RAM .It was running on 10.3.9 no problem but I moved upto Tiger ,then I installed the recent updates ,(i also did a repair disk premissions as I was adviced to do also ran Techtool 4 ).I didn't do a fresh install I upgraded cos i didn't have anywhere to backup my H/D .The Said H/D is about 50% full .Now when I power my laptop up the fan "I take it is a fan" come on the CPU is shown running @ 100% also getting the spinning colours & base of the Laptop is getting hot .when i try & force quit that seems to be in efective .Would be grateful for any help