1728 visitors at a time.



The site has become a real watering hole! Not long ago the max visitors was near 200 around the time of the announcement of Jaguar. That's what, a year and a half ago... and it stood until this summer.

Is advertising turning more people to check out Apple and OS X? Or is it the perspicacity of our resident experts?
It's the news about Apple's iBox...
Vist our homepage and read about it: www.macosx.com
(We've been mentioned in macosrumors, spymac, news.google.com just to name a few)
Please, everyone take some time to visit our homepage and read some of the content we publish.
Why would we look stupid? Does SpyMac, MacOSRumors, MacRumors, ThinkSecret(maybe not them) look stupid if they are wrong? Nah, Plus they rely on the rumors, we were sent one and thought it was possible so we posted it.

I don't really know what to think of it. I really do belive that Apple has some "iBox" sort of device that they are working on, I don't really know if they will announce something like this though, this early.

iBox Discussions - http://macosx.com/forums/showthread.php?p=278931

I guess we'll just have to wait and see... some lucky person is getting an iBox from MacOSX.com, or we'll give away 50 email addresses...
Tell me, does SpyMac.com look stupid? :D
I'd never think macosx.com would sink itself to the same level as them.
when doesn't spy.com and the other rumour mongers look stupid? i agree that we will look equally as stupid if there isn't a shread of truth to ibox. but hey, it's just a rumour. :)
While the content of SpyMac can be... hmm, silly, I'd say they are the fastest growing Mac community of recent.SpyMac is kinda like a OldNavy or Polo of Mac sites... If they put their name on it, people will come and "buy" it. I have alot of respect for their administrative staff, they seem to beable to keep their users coming back daily *and it shows, look at the of users they have online at a time, and their forum activity*.

They also have just hired a very well known writer to probually "step up" their content for SpyMac3.

But, MacOSX.com is going to cover MacWorld (for the first time offically), and I've been recruting some new writers. We're going to start publishing more often, to try and become more of a well rounded Mac site.

With that said, I'm very excited about MacWorld, we'll just have to wait and see what Steve has in mind for us!
Even if the rumor proves false, it does give the site a big of a bump in publicity for being on the ball at other sites and that can't be a bad thing.
The rumor sites are just that: we have always (says the newb) had better content, a more thoughtful and helpful community. I don't frequent the rumor sites, because they are full of bluster. They may have lots of posters, but they lack the feel of community that attracts me to this site day after day.

But attention is good. Even before the iBox thing, there was an increasing tide of visitors.
The thing that would make this site look stupid is if we said "We have PROOF that Apple will be releasing a new product called the iBox, and it is guaranteed to be this, this, and that... blah blah blah." The way Alex informed us does not make this site look stupid at all, as he stated that this information came from an unconfirmed, unknown source and is being taken with several kilograms of salt.

One thing about those statistics... that is actually the # of visitors in the last oh, 4 or so hours, not actually the # of people online at that very instant. But it's still very encouraging. :)