2 Computers--1 Modum--they Run Together--can I Change This?


Hello all...I have one modem with a wireless router and two macs running off of it. Some how the system can pick up both of my music libraries and Itunes and let the other mac know what is on that computer. Also, I have 1 "Virtual PC" that I have installed on both computers but the system knows this and only allow one computer at a time run the Virtual PC...

How can I make it where the computers don't know what is on each other and can run independently without adding another modem and have each computer run with it's own modem?

You guys are so smart!!
Right, but you can turn off all "sharing" services you have enabled (check in the "Sharing" pane of the System Preferences, and also in iTunes's preferences) to prevent either computer from accessing anything on the other.

It sounds like you've enabled library sharing in iTunes and may also have some file or print sharing turned on in the System Preferences.
Ah... hmmm... well, the workaround is to uninstall one of the VirtualPC installations, since having it installed and simulataneously using it on two different machines is against the license agreement (which is why it checks the network).

Different subnets would probably alleviate this problem, but I can't think of how to separate the machines while maintaining one internet connection...