2 dead pixels on iBook screen! :(


Apple Virgin
I just changed my desktop wallpaper to a bdark one and just noticed 2 dead pixels on our iBook's screen! One is permanantly red and the other green. Does there have to be a certain amount of pixels dead before they'll look at it? (Nokia has a policy where unless there is a certain amount of dead pixels they wont look at it)
We've only had the iBook about a week now and I was wondering if the screen is covered under Apple's european warranty?
Is this a common problem with the iBook screens and is there anything we can do instead of taking it back? :(
I've just got it sey up as i want it.
Are dead pixels exen worth worriying about? Is it likely go get worse?
sorry about all the questions!
Damn! :( :( :(
P.S My typing is bad too! :rolleyes:
When I bought my iBook, my warranty told me that regardless of whether it's an Apple monitor, iMac, Powerbook or IBook, it takes at least 7 dead pixels before Apple takes a look at it.
cellfish said:
When I bought my iBook, my warranty told me that regardless of whether it's an Apple monitor, iMac, Powerbook or IBook, it takes at least 7 dead pixels before Apple takes a look at it.
Excellent! Thanks for sharing that with me. I'll dig out our warranty and see if it's the same.
Thanks! :)
Generally messaging pixels is not recommended as it can possibly cause more dead pixels. I don't know why the Apple screens have such a high rate of dead pixels (not in quantity per screen, but that a lot of people have the problem). I'm on my second screen on my PowerBook, the first had the white-spot problems and dead pixels, my new screen has dark corners and a couple annoyingly obvious dead pixels. Both of my Gateway LCD desktop monitors have ZERO dead pixels or color and brightness distortion. My Gateway laptop never had and screen issues and my Dad's Dell has no screen problems. Maybe it's just bad luck, I'll have to find out who the actual manufacturer of the Gateway displays are.

As for warranty, Apple will claim that a couple dead pixels is acceptable.
Most likely bad luck. The Dell laptop we have at the office is on it's third screen, that one already has 3 dead pixels. It just turned 3 a few weeks ago. It's also on it's 2nd hard drive (which is SO easy to replace, thankfully). There's at least 5 other agents (out of 60 or so total) in the office who've had similar problems with Dell's, IBM's, Compaq's and Gateway's.

Apple's only seem high cause you hear about the problem. You never hear people say 'I have no dead pixels'.
I've been idling at the Genius Bar in two different Apple Retail stores(SoHo and Palo Alto) and overheard 2 conversations with customers with 'dead pixels' that were disturbingly similar: Apple's policy as described at one store is that 1 to 4 dead pixels is 'acceptable' even on a brand new product...they can't consider it 'defective unless it has at least 8 dead pixels.

More disturbingly, after 90 days, even if you have AppleCare, the monitor on an iBook is not covered at all by the warranty. The cables from the CPU to the LCD are covered, but not the screen.

I doubt Apple will even consider your case of 2 pixels.

Dead pixels are a fact of LCD life. Eventually, it'll happen to us all...
but I think that plenty of people have gotten lucky, and have LCDs for long periods of time with no dead pixels...
Well i took the iBook back to day due to the battery draining completely whilst it was off (I posted about it earlier) and they replaced it with a new iBook. :)
This one has 1 dead pixel so i should think myself lucky.
Thanks for all the info people!
My iBook has two dead pixels, but there only noticeable if I have a black wallpaper up. I just ignore them.
I have one pixel stuck on bright red. I only notice it when I have solid colors though, so I don't usually have a problem with it. It's been there since I got it, and I haven't had any more develop since then.
I have a 17" inch Powerbook G4 which came brand new with a dead (red) pixel.

No matter how hard I tried, Apple refused to change.

9 months later, I dropped the Powerbook, and the patches of white appeared all over the LCD. I submitted the Powerbook for repair. The technician told me that he would submit the powerbook to apple on grounds of defect in workmanship with respect to the LCD screen.

I got a brand new LCD with no dead pixels after that.
dlloyd said:
You didn't tell them you dropped it, did you? ;)

yes I did. the technician told me that if there were visible cracks on the LCD screen, apple would not replace it under the warranty, whereas if there were only patches of white on the screen, it may arguably be categorised as a defect in workmanship or manufacturing defect because the cause is not ostensibly from the impact of the drop.

the impact of the drop caused the metal skin of the powerbook to be completely mishapen. that fell outside the warranty.
The macrumors link has some advice on how to massage it.
If you do that, use extreme caution. Don't apply a lot of pressure. Treat the LC like it was your eye, you don't want anything to happen to it. The 'pixel massage' isn't any more adviced, and in the worst case it could make your monitor be out of warranty (aka pixel anomalies resulting from massage, and you can't prove it otherwise).
Zammy-Sam said:
basically I just pressed a bit and when the colour changed I slightly freaked out and left it ;)
Chicken, huh?
Hey, you're no chicken!
i wouldn't even TOUCH mine! :D :D :D
I'm too chicken.....
I've got used to the dead pixel now, I've even named it. i call it Fred..... :confused: