2 USB Headphones on at same time...possible?


I've got a Mac Mirror DD, running 10.3.9.

We're members of a paranormal investigative group (yes, we're ghost hunters) that at times when reviewing audio, we need 2 people listening to headphones at the same time. Up until now, we just pass the same set back and forth. The software I use is Sound Studio.

So in my infinite wisdomness, I thought, why not buy a second pair of USB headphones, plug them both into a USB hub, and presto! I should have figured it couldn't be that easy. Now I have 2 sets of headphones but have to switch back and forth in the preferences panel. Outsmarted myself on THAT one!

Is there software or hardware that would work like a reverse splitter so that I can accomplish what I set out to do?

Thanks, all!

That solves the problem, but I guess what I'd really like to know…
Is there a way to do 2 USB headphones at the same time?
I'd say no, as the USB headphones are used as separate outputs.
I haven't tried this, but your Audio MIDI Setup (in your Applications/Utilities folder) might be able to do that by setting up both USB headphones as an aggregate audio device. It's in the menus in that utility.

Or, WireTap might have that function, although it's commercial software.