I've got a Mac Mirror DD, running 10.3.9.
We're members of a paranormal investigative group (yes, we're ghost hunters) that at times when reviewing audio, we need 2 people listening to headphones at the same time. Up until now, we just pass the same set back and forth. The software I use is Sound Studio.
So in my infinite wisdomness, I thought, why not buy a second pair of USB headphones, plug them both into a USB hub, and presto! I should have figured it couldn't be that easy. Now I have 2 sets of headphones but have to switch back and forth in the preferences panel. Outsmarted myself on THAT one!
Is there software or hardware that would work like a reverse splitter so that I can accomplish what I set out to do?
Thanks, all!
We're members of a paranormal investigative group (yes, we're ghost hunters) that at times when reviewing audio, we need 2 people listening to headphones at the same time. Up until now, we just pass the same set back and forth. The software I use is Sound Studio.
So in my infinite wisdomness, I thought, why not buy a second pair of USB headphones, plug them both into a USB hub, and presto! I should have figured it couldn't be that easy. Now I have 2 sets of headphones but have to switch back and forth in the preferences panel. Outsmarted myself on THAT one!
Is there software or hardware that would work like a reverse splitter so that I can accomplish what I set out to do?
Thanks, all!