2nd HDD disappeared after Time Machine backup


My 2nd internal HD, both partitions, disappeared after a Time Machine update (I had transferred a lot of files from the Mac HD to the 2nd HD --a Seagate 750 -- since my last update). I had left it to back up and it was frozen when I returned. Had to shut off with switch. The 2nd HD does show up on the Time Machine external drive, and it appears files are in there and readable. But startup is way slower than usual, and the 2nd internal HD is not showing on the desktop, finder Devices, or Disk Utility.
I back up manually every now and then--don't do automatic.
MAc Pro Intel, Leopard 10.5.8.
Any help greatly appreciated.
You should enter safe mode and see if it is showing there , or see in driver manager.
Dude from this reason you should use trusted and reliable software that will get you were you want and not all softwares that have so many errors.
I am using http://www.dmailer.com/dmailer-backup.html for more than 2 years and never had a problem with it and is also free.
After me it should be the best and if not at least in the top.