2stf 1/4 Error Code


My Ibook G4 just returned from the repair shop after getting a new hard drive installed.
It fired up once and began prompting me through the set-up process for OS-X. Half-way through the set-up, I got the spinning beach ball of death.
When I re-started my ibook, I got the familiar flashing "?" alternating with a file folder icon.
Does this mean that I once again, or still, have a hard-drive issue?
If so, why? It was replaced.
I ran the test disk and got error code "2stf 1/4" on the mass storage test.
I've had my ibook for a year and never had a problem until now.

Additional info:
Just before I started getting the flashing "?" icon the first time (before hard drive was replaced), I got the message that my start-up disk was almost full.

When I picked up my ibook today from the shop, I was told all my files were put back on the new hard drive.
If that's so, wouldn't that be the problem? Too much stuff for the hard-drive to start up around?

Until some files are dumped to an external drive, won't this cycle continue? even with new hard drives?

When I go back, should I supply the repair staff with an external drive?

Thanks in advance for your response.
The 2STF error code means that the diagnostics has found a problem with either the hard drive, or the internal cable that connects that hard drive to the logic board. It might also mean that the drive controller chip is bad (which means a logic board replacement.
Most often, that code means replacing the hard drive. You have just had the hard drive replaced, so that seems less likely, but is still possible that your hard drive has failed already.

Take your iBook back to the shop, and show them what's happening.

The amount of data stored on your hard drive should not be a factor, unless the drive is completely full, but that's not too likely. And, the shop will be able to check that out.... If, in fact, they transferred ALL your files, and filled your new hard drive completely, then they would not be a competent repair center, in my opinion.
thanks. it's back in the shop. they're replacing the logic board. hope it works.
i thank you for your quick reply and info.