30th Anniversary Guessing Comp!

Knowing Apple it must be:
1) a new technology
2) have a very high growth rate
3) be a marketing challenge

What about an Apple medical device for elderly people ?
I doubt this is it, but I'm going to guess the iGame. A portable handheld gaming device.

I rather it be a Newton Rebirth, but I doubt that too.
OK OK, since my copyright was a late arriving one, my official guess is the Ipod with built-in wireless connectivity. i.e with a browser built in 802.11g......it's coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think a Power Mac just for me. It will compete with the high end Dell Intels going around. Then I am happy as I can buy one. Go look at the Dell high end Specs and you will see what is coming soon. Powered by Intel and I bet a totally new look that will surprise us all - but it will be a tower and not an iMac design.

It might be software over hardware. It could be they have things in the pipeline there also.

While everyone screams iPod I bet it is not, I bet it is in the computing business.

What if it is OSX replaced by vista with Bill Gates as a special guest. Oh how I would laugh; then jump of a bridge.
whatever it is, it will have its own commercial that causes controversy of some kind.

For Apple's sake, I hope they do release something big like a new iPod or tablet mac. People got so hyped up about the "fun new things" event, they couldn't go through another disappointment!
sjb2016 said:
And what happens to the e-mail account and t-shirt if nothing is announced?

They'll give it to him who guessed that nothing would be released. :)
(See page 1)
iPhone ... *ducks* ... no, seriously, they could do it and the recently publicised patents point in te direction of a handheld device that is more complex than an iPod. So, it could be a NewNewton, smartphone/pda/iPod device, which is easy to use thanks to the touchscreen which emulates "physical" controls like a number pad or a scrollwheel. Like the TAM was an advanced, expensive novelty item, the Thirtieth anniversary ceremonial gadget will also probably be something non-standard, so I don't expect the announcement of "regular" intel PowerMacs or iBooks as special item for the anniversary. No, it will be something quite extraordinary, like the long rumoured iPhone/pda/touchscreen iPod.
Why not just go for an all-in-one thing? With all this talk of touch-screen gubbins and the like, they could just pull something out of the hat that does all of these things:

1) "Proper" Video iPod.
2) iPhone
3) iNewton (you see what I did there?)

It'd sit beyond the top end of the iPod range and be called the i-something.
Apple has not announced anything for their birthday yet! ok looks like they are not going too... Should we give it a few more days?

HAPPY 30th B'DAY Apple Computers Inc!

Can the mods or ScottW please let me know how i can shout the winner the prize winnings? how do you prefer payment?
sinclair_tm said:
i say that we'll be lucky to even have the anniversary mentioned on apple's hompage, like when rosa parks died. i don't think there will be anything new. so thats what i say, just a different hopepage for the day.

i was close :p , but don't need another email account, so feel free it issue it to someone else. i was truly shocked that it didn't even get a mention on the home page. april fools on us.
Apple gave us an 10.4.6 update for their birthday. and i was listening to TWIT earlier today, and all of the first Apple Staff don't think it's all that much of a big deal either....
Steve Jobs is. He's in his office with his 6G iPod video (80 GB) watching the high-res version of Lost season 3 and all the while he works happily on a prototype Mac Pro. :)