360 degree panoramas/interiors

The great thing about iPix is that one you give it the shots it puts them together and stretches them. I don't have the program but I assume it's very painless. :)
I haven't seen the ones for Qucktime VR, but usually the rule is "Crap in, crap out". The panorama software can only do as well as the images it's given. But that's true with anything. :)
Natobasso, iPix is a royal pain in the U know what. Their licensing fees also are outrageous. It's anything but painless, quality is marginal at best.

antonioconte, good luck with it and let us know how it turns out. I think you'll be happy with that setup. Don't forget to spend some extra $$$ on a nice case to protect everything. :)
I might recommend trying the demos. Most of the pano software have demos. I tried them all and ended up deciding on Stitcher. It's a bit clunkier at first. Not as obvious how to do things as the others, but once you get used to it, it's far more powerful (thus the price tag).

Here's some examples of exterior stuff I did with it. Keep in mind, I am not a photographer. I have no idea how to use pro lenses or anything. These are just basic tripod panos. One thing I cannot stress enough in pano work is to BE LEVEL. You are asking for a big headache if you are not level.The more off level you are, the more image you have to waste cropping the final pano. Note that in the examples, I really didn't spend any time fixing things, so you'll see some seams where I was lazy. Also, these were all shot with a typical $200-ish digital camera. It's a lot easier with outside lot and lots of room. Tight interiors sounds like a total pain.

Also, I personally find widescreen panos a lot easier on the eye.

