3rd-Party LCD Monitor Compatibility

I'm thinking of getting an LCD monitor to finally replace my CRT behemoth. Apple's are way outside of my consideration ($-wise) and, besides, they're all ADC (or now, DVI), and I need an analog connection for my trusty but 5-year old PowerMac (PCI Graphics).

So, when shopping, do I need to especially look for Mac compatibility? Are there CDs that manufacturers ship that will have settings only accessible to Windows users? Proprietary connections, weird switches, what have you that I need to worry about? ... Or, is pretty much any monitor that has analog inputs going to work just fine with my Mac?

Thanks in advance! ::love::
Most LCD monitors are DVI based, but the ultra-cheapo LCD monitors actually have VGA connectors.

My suggestion is to buy an LCD monitor with DVI outputs. You can simply buy a DVI to VGA adapter. (I can even mail you one if you want.) If you go with a DVI display today, you will enjoy your monitor's digital connection later when your next computer has a DVI port.

Me? I'm waiting for Apple to completely drop the ADC port. I don't want a G5 with 1 ADC and 1 DVI port...