4th Generation iPod COMMING SOON!

If they were to reconfigure the button on the larger ipods they could possibly get some more screen realestate but its going the wrong way in my opininion for video. Larger battery capacity and the ability to store bar code bmps on the screen so my girlfriend could download 100 coupons from the web and then when she is at the Piggly Wiggly she just pulls out her ipod and they could then scan her screen which as the coupon bar codes on them. Get rid of paper.

I think apple could also come out with an lcd screen that has maybe 128 megs of built in memory in it and a 8 hour battery. Thats it. Just a digital tablet with a dock connector. So, I just throw this in my car or take it to work and can jot down notes on it. Then I can either hook it up to my computer or ipod it can pull of the information. So, basically you have a tablet pc without the pc functionality just the tablet. If, I could buy the lcd display part of my ibook 12" for $199 bucks and have that ability I would by 3 or 4 of them for home about 20 for my office. Give one to all the secs. Would be kind of cool they would have basically digital legal pads laying all around. And in fact with the little rubber feet like the ibook has right now they wouldnt have to do anything just change it to say ipad.
mi5moav said:
If, I could buy the lcd display part of my ibook 12" for $199 bucks and have that ability I would by 3 or 4 of them for home about 20 for my office. Give one to all the secs. Would be kind of cool they would have basically digital legal pads laying all around. And in fact with the little rubber feet like the ibook has right now they wouldnt have to do anything just change it to say ipad.

Good luck with that! LCDs are expensive :p
the only thing i can't stand about the design of the ipod is the hold switch. If it had a little nipple on it or a ridge or was easier to actually reach up to fiddle with. I almost always have to use two hands when i activate/deactivate it.
mi5moav said:
the only thing i can't stand about the design of the ipod is the hold switch. If it had a little nipple on it or a ridge or was easier to actually reach up to fiddle with. I almost always have to use two hands when i activate/deactivate it.
Hm maybe you need to relearn how to use your finger? :D

It seems fine to me but yea it could be a little easier.
I can do it one handed, in my pocket, while running. Actually I can totally navigate that sucker one handed, in my pocket, while running.
Minis are rare. The apple store in crossgates (albany NY) has a "waiting list". I ordered one on apple.com and its going to take 3 weeks to get it!

I'm guessing they are selling faster than apple can produce them.
Fahrvergnuugen said:
Minis are rare. The apple store in crossgates (albany NY) has a "waiting list". I ordered one on apple.com and its going to take 3 weeks to get it!

I'm guessing they are selling faster than apple can produce them.

You should cancel the order. They have them in stock in the Palisades Center Mall Apple Store which is 2 hours from Albany. I went in there yesterday to check them out. They are really cool, they had each color out on display to mess around with and i heard someone ask for a silver one and the guy said sure let me just get it out of the baack. Boy it is a lot smaller than it looks in the picture. Now if they could throw in a 10 gb mini drive, i'd get one :)
gilga000 said:
I can do it one handed, in my pocket, while running. Actually I can totally navigate that sucker one handed, in my pocket, while running.

I'm not going to read that the wrong way. I'm not going to read that the wrong way. I'm not going to...
the mini is the best thing since sliced bread. I bought the armband for the gym. The only thing I don't like is that the cord swings around too much and I have to stuff the cord in my shirt. Which is kinda gross cuz I sweat all over it. I blew the left headphone speaker already too. Anyways, do you really need to take more than 1000 songs with you? Don't you go home to reload the sucker every few days? HD storage is a lot less expensive that iPod storage. Just buy the mini then take the money you saved and buy a 120 gig HD with the money you saved. Then you are a way ahead of the game.
Holy cow, just how loud do you listen to your music at? :eek:

I'd hate to think what condition your ears will be in when you turn 80...

speedraycer said:
I blew the left headphone speaker already too.
its not hard to do. I've blown up 2 pairs of iPod head phones. I don't listen to my music very loud as I am conscious of how bad hearing loss can be, but sometimes I accidentally blast music at full volume through the headphones... like after I get done using the iPod in the car (where the volume is controlled by the head unit, so the iPod is turned all the way up).

at any rate. have there been any more updates as to when the 4th gen iPod will come out? i just bought a mini, mainly because the standard iPod is aging.
Great. Another iPod from Apple. What we really want to see are some new computers. Or has Apple forgotten how to build them? Or worse, doesn't care to be in the computer business anymore and forgotten to tell their customers.
jocknerd said:
Great. Another iPod from Apple. What we really want to see are some new computers. Or has Apple forgotten how to build them? Or worse, doesn't care to be in the computer business anymore and forgotten to tell their customers.

I agree i think there needs to be some more hardware, im still shocked that the newton is gone, mabey an apple branded plasma tv and home digital hub devices would be cool too.

the ipod seems to be evolving wouldnt it be great if somday it was a music player/video recorder/dvd movie player/photo camera. etc.. Now that would be a killer digital device it would also fully utilise iLife to its maximum potential.
Quicksilver said:
I agree i think there needs to be some more hardware, im still shocked that the newton is gone, mabey an apple branded plasma tv and home digital hub devices would be cool too.

the ipod seems to be evolving wouldnt it be great if somday it was a music player/video recorder/dvd movie player/photo camera. etc.. Now that would be a killer digital device it would also fully utilise iLife to its maximum potential.

I think APple branded TVs or any 'normal' consumer item is a bad idea. Look at Gateway. Albeit, Apple is a great brand, but not ready for the primetime of consumer electronics.
Let them stick with what they do best for the mean time and that is Software & Hardware Development.
diablojota said:
I think APple branded TVs or any 'normal' consumer item is a bad idea. Look at Gateway. Albeit, Apple is a great brand, but not ready for the primetime of consumer electronics.
Let them stick with what they do best for the mean time and that is Software & Hardware Development.

Your right, I see where your comming from, but of course apple would do it different. i mean the Apple 23" HD Widescreen is getting close and i believe that somthing to do with convergence of television and computer and internet will seriously take place within the next 5 to 10 years. With digital television now utilising user interaction its somthing that should be more or less looked into. Mabey software interaction.
Quicksilver said:
Your right, I see where your comming from, but of course apple would do it different. i mean the Apple 23" HD Widescreen is getting close and i believe that somthing to do with convergence of television and computer and internet will seriously take place within the next 5 to 10 years. With digital television now utilising user interaction its somthing that should be more or less looked into. Mabey software interaction.

No, I agree completely that when Apple does something, they do it right. However, Apple is currently succeeding because they cut out all their other lines (printers, etc.) and started focusing again on the software and computer hardware.
I also wouldn't bet on too much convergence of internet, tv and computers. Like Steve said, and rightfully IMHO, that people watch TV to turn off and use a computer for more stimulating activities, even if it is reading rumor sites ;) .
Anyway, a 23" widescreen and a 55" plasma are a huge difference in the way they function. A 23" monitor you can set on your desk, and is part of the computer appliance, however you need some good real estate for a 55" plasma. Besides, Plasma is only a niche market due to high costs. Not really the field to be in at the moment for a company like Apple.
Well lets see what happens. there is a somewhat satisfaction that pulls us away from that tv and right to our Apple computer and then here to macosx.com to discuss the possibilities of a new product, event or news about somthing at apple. It is our community and it is also the amazing support and friendly comments we all put together, we simply want to know more because we are in demand of products that us as individuals might need or want. An Apple branded tv? hmm never....

Anyway back to the subject i found this lurking on a site an all in one device video recording/mp3/photo etc device interesting stuff. looks a bit dodgy though --> http://www.pioneercomputers.com.au/cart/product.asp?productid=2241

Dreamvision Mcatch 1000 6 in 1 multifunctional digital camcorder is set to revolutionize the way multimedia works. Dimensions: (WxDxH) 116 x 50 x 21 mm, similar size to a mobile phone, weighing 100g (without expansion module), the Dreamvision Mcatch1000 combines six devices in one:

Digital Camcorder
MP4 Movie Player
Digital Camera
MP3 Player
Voice Recorder
Web Camera and USB storage.

With 4 Mega Pixel resolution, 4x Digital Zoom, 1.5 inch LCD, Focus range 1.5m-infinity, 4 mode of brightness control (auto, day light, fluorescent, tungsten), Built-in 16MB SDRAM and 16MB Flash ROM, Dreamvision Mcatch1000 is a high end digital still camera, able to store up to 82 pictures of 1600 x 1200. But there’s more. With internal microphone, internal speaker, QVGA 320 x 2400 MPEG4 Video compression, Dreamvision Mcatch 1000 can store up to 30 minutes of MPEG4 video with 64MB SD and up to 60 minutes of MPEG4 video with 128Mb SD. For voice recording, up to 25 minutes audio can be recorded with built in 16MB flash memory. Dreamvision Mcatch 1000 can be used as an MP3 player, with a choice of playing on speakers or headphone. As USB drive, video files and image files can be transferred to computers and email. As web camera, online conferences can be held using MSN Messenger. With TV out, video and MP3 files can be played on television, with VCD quality.