"...5 reasons not to buy an iPod!..."


Progressive Rules!
the reasons according to this article are:

1. Six-plus hours of battery life is not always enough.
2. Jogging with a hard drive-based player is not cool.
3. The iPod is expensive.
4. You want to make high-quality digital recordings.
5. You want a choice in online music stores.

My 5 reasons why I'd encourage people to buy an iPod:

1. it's beautiful
2. works like a charm
3. fast
4. You can use it as an external HD.
5. It's the world's best MP3 player.

1) i have a 2nd gen 20 g ipod. i get 10 hours of it.
2) i jog with it, np. no cd player has 20 min buffer and cd players are big.
3) i need only 1. if $ is a problem, go for 1-2 gen refurb or used.
4) yes and i do them with itunes
5) yea. i have itunes and that's all i need. and would work seamlessly with all p2ps too .. :)

6) i enjoy bein M$ free. no WMAs, no win mediaprayers, no IE, no M$ office.. :D
7) apple is sexy.
Guess the equivalent article in a car mag would be "5 reasons not to buy a Ferrari/Porsche..."

- eats gas
- you have to worry about parking and door dings
- the Ferrari/Porsche is expensive
- you DON'T like the sound of the car(s) under full throttle
- you want to also drive a Honda Accord

What an idjit...
Not a great article, but it's true that the iPod could have more then 6 hours of battery life. It's never run out on me with a full charge, and can last the best of a weekend up at my cabin (there isn't any electricty, so I can't charge it.) I jog with it all the time, and last time I checked you could make digital recordings with the iPod - I don't know why you would want to make "high quality" recordings with an mp3 player. Get a friggin system, you can't record your band with an mp3 player. I say buy an iPod - the only thing in the way is the cost, the machines are expensive.
I think it's funny how cnet tried to make the iPod look really evil. And yet they did it by stating some of the things people love it for...like the giant HD, the tiny size, and the nice battery life. :p

Silly Cnet.
Jason said:
you guys are too high strung

No shit. Take a pill fellas.

No offense, but I wonder if some of you guys even actually read the article. The author stated time and time again that he thought the iPod was, hands-down, the best mp3 player currently available. C-Net even gave the iPod its' Editor's Choice award. Sounds like real Apple-hating to me (<--intended sarcasm). While I agree that the iPod is the best mp3 player, I don't think that it's the right player for everyone. He does make some valid points, albeit some of them quite over-simplified.

Proud owner of a 3rd Generation 10 GB iPod.
Heh...I never liked c|net, but the article was interesting. The iPod isn't for everyone was the point i thought he was trying to get across, maybe he did it in a tad bit weird way. I don't myself own an iPod, I am thinking of getting one as soon as my financial situation gets better...but I do own one of those Iriver Slim-X mp3 cd players and it works, it's nice....but that's not for everyone either...I'd much rather have an iPod.
the author does put it in a weird way indeed. He should have picked a better title for his article first of all.
Some people dislike apple just because they don't really have a reason to justify their position, but when c|net post such an article, it shows just how pathetic some of their writers lose commonsense when it comes to choosing a good title of an article regarding the best selling mp3 player
I could write an article and find more compelling reasons to buy an iPod. The iPod is hands down the best mp3 player out there! c|net is right!
I have just sent him an email telling him:

Dear Eliot Van Buskirk,

I don't agree with you in most of your complaints about iPod, and here are my reasons:

1. Six-plus hours of battery life is not always enough.
"If you regularly take long airplane flights,
you'll find that the iPod's battery craps out
before you reach your destination, leaving
you to rely on the low-grade tunes pumped
to the arm of your seat."

If you really want more playback time (which was not my case after using my iPod for more than 5 months), simply you can get Belkin Battery Pack that will allow you to add 20 more additional playback hours, so you can travel to Mars and come back without caring about being left to rely on hearing Mars Radio Entertainment!

2. Jogging with a hard drive-based player is not cool.
I agree somehow with you in this point, but my friends have their iPod working for more than 2 years of usage! This depends on your attitude with your MP3 player! If you buy the most rough flash based MP3 player, but you don't know how to keep it safe (maybe to not throw it on your sofa! when you get angry!), it will become a useless piece of plastic within the first week of its usage!

3. The iPod is expensive.
Maybe you should say "Hard Disk based MP3 players are expensive!"
Thus you shouldn't recommend the "Dell Digital Jukebox DJ (15GB)" because I can buy a MP3 CD player for less than $60! (and lasts more than the Dell's battery life!)

4. You want to make high-quality digital recordings.
I have never heard about recording HIGH QUALITY music using a built-in microphone in ANY consumer product! I know when I want to convert my Vinyl recordings, I plug to my Line IN computer a cable that's plugged to my Audio System, and Voilà! I get a HIGH QUALITY recordings encoded even to MP3 on the fly!
And I believe that the recording capability in iPod is made for VOICE recording, which in enough to record hours of lectures!

5. You want a choice in online music stores.
I don't see why I want choice when I get all I want from one music store?
And we all know that AAC is a standard format that also works with MP3 players built-in in Nokia phones and other MP3 players vendors. It's a war between Microsoft & Apple and all what I want is that my stuff works perfect!

PS: I aslo don't hate all other MP3 players, but I know that the iPod is the best yet. Maybe we should wait for a REAL competitor to the iPod.

Good job, Mr. Apple. I think you summed up what all of us were wanting to throw into his face after reading that article.

I would have used the exclamation marks sparingly, though... ;)
i think mr. apple couldnt have said it better.

but really all this article shows us is that iPod is the best mp3 player by far. he does admit that he still prefers the iPod but doesnt really make a strong case about any of its disadvantages (all things have pros and cons)!!!

its interestin to read what ppl on other boards feel about same topics: http://www.spymac.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48521
It really *wasn't* that derogatory of an article! C'mon guys -- the iPod does have it's flaws. Nothing is perfect. I came to the computer this morning and for some reason my iPod's screen was off even though it was plugged into the wall. I pressed a button and the apple showed up and there was a horizontal pixel line through the screen! I freaked and shut it off and the line didn't go away, but then after about five minutes it did. I think that most of his points are at least kind of valid - in terms of battery life the dell jukebox clearly beats the ipod. For jogging, a flash player can't be beat if you are worried about the HD getting jarred while spinning. And the iPod is damn expensive (especially to cheap ass pc users ;)), and you really can't use any other music store with the iPod.
So as good as the iPod is, there are flaws in it. Just by saying this doesn't make me an apple hater, and although Mr. Van Buskirk's article wasn't the best, it isn't just apple flaming either.
(I love my iPod!)
They forgot to mention that if you're an audiophile and are used to a $50,000 system in your living room, you shouldn't by an iPod to try and replace that. lol

none of the players he is talking about have al those features. Everytime he list some disadvantage he list some other mp3 players. None of them is listed twice. So.. Ipod Still rocks..

3 of the 5 reasons listed is why I bought the iPod in the first place. WMA files sucks, I love the Hard Drive, and if I wanted to record would have bought a tape recorder for $20.

In order to fully make up for the five drawbacks of the iPod, you'd have to buy five different MP3 players: A Dell for battery life, an iRiver to look cool jogging (according to him!), an MP3 CD player to save money, a Samsung to record, and a WMA player to access Windows closed music format, more or less $1000 on five separate products.

I can't think of a single article ever being written in which it is recommended that a top rated product not be purchased for a combination of arbitrary reasons.

It strikes me that had this article been written two decades ago it would have been critical of the Sony Walkman for not being able to play 8 track tapes. It reinforces yet again that Apple products are held up to a higher standard then their rivals and represents a bad trend in negative journalism.

I can see it now.....5 Reasons NOT To Buy A PowerMac G5:
1: It gives Microsoft competition.
2: It competes with Microsoft.
3: It steals customers from Microsoft.
4: It helps prevent a Monopoly by Microsoft.
5: It gives Microsoft competition.

i suggest the guy writes a new article tomorrow, named: 50 reasons why you SHould buy an iPod :)
5. You want a choice in online music stores.

Am I missing something here? I was pretty sure you can put any mp3's from anywhere you want into the iPod, right?