64-bit Macs and Jaguar revisited (Smeagol)

If this isn't going to be webcasted does anybody know where we can get the blow by blow of the keynote?
Rhino_G3, I'm sure that MacMinute and other sites will let us know ASAP what gives during that VERY HOT and SPECIAL day even if Apple will not webcast anything (which I cannot believe --I hope that they will do so)... :D ;)

Macrumors has allready set up an IRC chat room for the Keynote...

.... im sure will get full coverage online :)
I'm sure there will be someone sitting in the audience, 17" Powerbook in lap, using AE or something, taking notes about the keynote and posting them dynamically...
Ahh, this is the exact info I was looking for. Thanks. I'm looking for the macrumors iirc room now. Would anybody happen to know what network it's on?
I think uptake will be phenomenal... I for one will bust the bank to try and get one (my G4 466 is now getting slower the more I read about the 970! :( )!!

I wouldn't mind having to wait 2-3months for Panther's 64-bit capabilities.
so why smeagol???

a wiry selfish little fellow consumed by his own passion for the unattainable...

maybe because the ring (64 bit power) is within reach, but unreachable?

will reaching the power bring about smeagol's end??

oh, sorry did I just post off topic?::alien::
Think of it this way. We get 970s right away (in our fantasy-obsessed minds), so we get an immediate fix. A few months later Panther is released, so we get another fix (speed bump). It's like two machine updates for the price of one!
Well, I don't have any inside Apple info but here is a thought:
-Smeagol is what Gollum was once...
-But Gollum is Smeagol too now and then...
So, basically Smeagol=Gollum! Or if you prefer they are the 2 faces of the same coin :p

Anyways, for those who know about the LOTR trilogy, Smeagol/Gollum is actually(!?) "The One"...

With no Smeagol/Gollum let me just say that the LOTR myth could be, well, not the myth currently is and will be! :D ;)

Originally posted by hulkaros
Well, I don't have any inside Apple info but here is a thought:
-Smeagol is what Gollum was once...
-But Gollum is Smeagol too now and then...
So, basically Smeagol=Gollum! Or if you prefer they are the 2 faces of the same coin

Anyways, for those who know about the LOTR trilogy, Smeagol/Gollum is actually(!?) "The One"...

With no Smeagol/Gollum let me just say that the LOTR myth could be, well, not the myth currently is and will be!
What are you talking about? Perhaps you had better visit this site and see if anyone else can figure it out: http://www.valaquenta.com/
nice site gwynn! I'm going for my copy of There and Back Again for the sylablary to decode the runes... ;)

Don't you think though that Silmarillion is a little too much Christopher and not enough JRR. I had expected to hear so much more of the lore alluded to by Elrond and Galadriel.

still further off topic, the elves in the new movie really bother me. Why did Peter whozit make them such fascists?
Originally posted by pds
nice site gwynn! I'm going for my copy of There and Back Again for the sylablary to decode the runes... ;)
I did that design a few years ago so I honestly can't recall whether or not I did those in the English mode or in the Quenya mode, so be warned that translation may not prove possible based on what is published in the book. Also keep in mind that I was using this as a graphical element more than anything else so at the very most they are a few words that don't form a complete sentence.

As for the rest of what you had to say, it is probably not appropriate for this forum and we should probably bring it to a close now before the moderators are forced to. There is an active forum on the site, though, for anything you wish to discus which would be topical there.