So, this is confusing me. I understand that Tiger will NOT support 64 bit on 32 bit systems, but the thing that's bugging the crap out me is the fact that the iMac G5 supports 64 bit in Tiger, but here's the thing I thought only DUAL G5 processors support true 64 bit. Cause an iMac G5 has only one processor hence it's only 32 bit unless, it's a single 64 bit processor. Anyways anyways anybody here running an iMac G5??? Next to a Dual processsor Powermac G5??? cause it seems that to me 64 bit is two processors, such as 64 bit AMD's processor which has two processor's. Anyways I hope my ponit is across, which is an iMac G5 has only one processor so how is it 64 bit??? Also some powermac G5's have one processor too so how does this work out???? Thanks for your time