6C9X build tested here.


I just posted another article on my site, this time it's a 6C9X build preview with some screenshots, I can't tell you the exact number of the build. All I can tell you is that it's a really great build, close to GM.

Here it is:

6C9X preview

Enjoy it!
homer it means you're visiting my site regularly, that's great ;). I guess if you purge the cache, restart explorer, reload you'll see the new article ;).
Wow, that is such a great website. I shouldn't have read the 6C9X article because now my excitement for Jaguar has increased 200% :D
I'm really sad cause I can't show you the new boot screen, I can't take a picture because my sister took the digital camera for holidays :'(

Well it really looks like the 6C87's one but it's smarter with a blue color on it.
I really like the new beachball! Now with air in it , hehe :D . The wheel from the last builds have been and aqua looking like, i mean blue and black but i really like this one!.

And so the new adressbook-icon. The last one was cool but it looks moore like and adressbook now.

1. Is there an official release-date announced?
2. Is there a way to download it somewhere? (I know everyone has been trying to, but I'm wondering how macosXrumors got it.)
I think that any information regarding places to get jaguar will be quickly removed by the mods (and rightfully so). Be patient like most of the rest of us! :)

macosXrumors: yeah, that disk cache thing has fooled me more than once. I should start writing reminders on my forehead. :rolleyes: :)
Originally posted by homer
I think that any information regarding places to get jaguar will be quickly removed by the mods (and rightfully so).

You're right, that's why I didn't say where to get it.

Although, information about that topic hasn't been removed from this board before.;)
to make it clear once again - we do not allow posting of links to illegal software. nor do we allow members to solicit such information from other members. this site is not about piracy and hacking. It is for the legitimate exchange of information in the mac community.

I have no way of knowing who has legal and who has illegal copies of any software unless they come out and admit it. so info that can conceivably be obtained thru legitimate means will always remain here. plus, if you really want to incriminate yourself publicly for using warez, be our guest. just don't help others participate in it as well.
I'm sorry; I thought over 20 people here downlaoded it somewhere.
I won't ask for any info about it again.:(
Here are some legitimate ways to get Mac OS X seeds:

- being a registered developer and receiving it from Apple
- being registered to Apple seeds and selected for a beta test
- having a friend that is allowed show you it but not give you it
- being a friend of steve jobs or of someone who knows steve jobs well ;)
- waiting for the final release or a public beta.

There are many other ways, but they're not legimtimate.

RPS, why do you want to be illegal when you just have to wait some weeks to have it legally? Well, I maybe have guessed, you must be a big fan of Apple and Macs, just like many people here.
Nah, it's okay, I'll just wait. I guess it was a missunderstanding; I thought all of the people here talking about their Mac OS 10.2 downloaded it. So I thought it was normal here. But now I know they're beta testers, so I don't mind.:)