OS X Supreme Being
From a new study by IDG released today...
"The Mac is clearly the operating system of choice for design and production firms, with 82% of all respondents naming the Mac as their primary OS. However, adoption of Mac OS X remains slow; only 17% of those polled have upgraded their systems to the new OS. The study shows that:
-- The Mac is not quite as popular among Internet design and
development firms, where only 22% use the Mac OS as their
primary operating system.
-- Windows remains the leading OS within this group, with 92% of
Internet design and development firms relying on it as their
operating system of choice."
So there's good news and bad news for Apple in this...
First, the good news...
82% of a market is a significant number. I'm assuming the definiation of "design and production firms" means DTP creation and prepress. I don't think audio/video/multimedia is included in that figure.
Even though only 17% have upgraded to OS X, this isn't a bad thing for Apple. The reason that only 17% have upgraded was two fold: stagnated pro systems, and a lack of Quark Xpress for OS X. Both these barriers are gone, and OS X adoption should now see significant increases. Apple can look forward to bringing in the remaining 83% and additional Windows users to the OS X fold.
The bad news is that Apple having a 22% share of Internet design and publishing is ridiculous. Apple has a serious advantage in this arena with OS X's superior implementation of core web technologies - Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc. Apple can clearly improve upon this...
Hopefully, this will dispell the "Apple is dying" BS we hear from time to time....
"The Mac is clearly the operating system of choice for design and production firms, with 82% of all respondents naming the Mac as their primary OS. However, adoption of Mac OS X remains slow; only 17% of those polled have upgraded their systems to the new OS. The study shows that:
-- The Mac is not quite as popular among Internet design and
development firms, where only 22% use the Mac OS as their
primary operating system.
-- Windows remains the leading OS within this group, with 92% of
Internet design and development firms relying on it as their
operating system of choice."
So there's good news and bad news for Apple in this...
First, the good news...
82% of a market is a significant number. I'm assuming the definiation of "design and production firms" means DTP creation and prepress. I don't think audio/video/multimedia is included in that figure.
Even though only 17% have upgraded to OS X, this isn't a bad thing for Apple. The reason that only 17% have upgraded was two fold: stagnated pro systems, and a lack of Quark Xpress for OS X. Both these barriers are gone, and OS X adoption should now see significant increases. Apple can look forward to bringing in the remaining 83% and additional Windows users to the OS X fold.
The bad news is that Apple having a 22% share of Internet design and publishing is ridiculous. Apple has a serious advantage in this arena with OS X's superior implementation of core web technologies - Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc. Apple can clearly improve upon this...
Hopefully, this will dispell the "Apple is dying" BS we hear from time to time....