8500, need to...


Simply Daemonic
...do something fun with it :p

ok here is the situation, I just got word that one of our 8500s was retired from service. Not sure if it;s going to be surplused or what, but I since it can run BeOS, I figured I would call it back from teh deep void and play around with it.

Except for BeOS, what other fun things can I do with this old piece of tech ?

You can import & export video with the default hardware. That's what my 8500 did mostly in its day.
interesting but I probably wont have time to get too much into video stuff at work lol...or would I??? hmm... (jadey putting mac editing thoughts in my head :p)
Well, ok but isn't it cool that it can do that outta the box? :D

Hrm, with a g3 upgrade in it, you can run OS X! Unsupported of course. xlr8yourmac.com has instructions.
A friend of mine runs a 8500(OS X) with a G3 card as AppleShare server, web server,ftp server, and router/gateway to his ADSL connection (with a extra PCI Ethernet Card).
lol...now I wish I could take this machine home :p
too bad it's a work mac.

I do agree with jadey, it IS cool that you can do al lthis out of the box :D
You can run MacOS X 10.1.3 WITHOUT any accelerator card installed.
It's easy to install, and I must say it runs fast enough on my 8500/200 to use it as a server. The only thing about my old 8500, is that it's getting noisy with age. No it doesn't fart or something, the worn out power supply is making the whole case shudder, it sounds just like an old fridge with a few empty bottles in it.:p
can someone help me with the other mac 8500 my boss has and needs monitor nobody is answering that thread...
With a G3 card, you could run sorenson broadcaster. Then watch live video from any quicktime machine on the network. I've got a VCR plugged into my beige G3; now I can watch live TV from anywhere on the network!