Unofficial Mac Genius
This is just one of those times I want to point my finger and stick out my tongue to the PC community as a whole:
Ha! People who want future versions will need to buy a Mac, I guess.
That is, if they're not already smart enough to use them already...
Heehee... Apple sure is cornering the high-end video editing market.
This is just one of those times I want to point my finger and stick out my tongue to the PC community as a whole:
Originally posted by MacMinute
In an email sent to customers yesterday, Nothing Real, which was acquired by Apple in February of this year, revealed that the forthcoming version of its Shake product (v2.5) will be the last for Windows, according to fxguide. The company is currently working on completing Shake for Mac OS X and has pledged to continue support for Irix and Linux through the end of 2003. Shake is the industry's leading compositing software for high resolution feature film effects.
Ha! People who want future versions will need to buy a Mac, I guess.

Heehee... Apple sure is cornering the high-end video editing market.