Unofficial Mac Genius
In honor of Mac OS X's recently passed first birthday, I thought I'd go back through some of the MacWorld articles and look at the progression of Mac OS X through the ages.
And wow, has Mac OS X changed dramatically, from what was demoed in January 2000, to what we have now in January 2002! In two short years, Mac OS X has rapidly evolved, and as most anyone would agree, it has changed for the better. It almost brings a tear to my eye when I see such things as the Apple logo decal in the middle of the menu bar (in the public beta which lacked an Apple menu), and the little purple button, used for single-window mode, that used to be in the place of the long white button in the upper-right-hand corner of each window.
Mac OS X, as we know it today, is a powerful operating system that just about lives up to the standards of the ideal operating system. I'm sure there are many features that I, and many of you, still want in Mac OS X (spring-loaded folders, RAM disks, to name a couple), but I hope that Mac OS X has lived up to the hype that Apple has given it. It sure has for me. Although I still revert to some of my old Classic Mac OS habits, I know that I couldn't live without the knowledge that my applications are much less crash prone, or even the fact that I have a command line to fall back to in dire situations. I know that many of you still have complaints about Mac OS X, but seeing as it is scarcely one year old (if you only count the days since it's been officially released), and the Classic Mac OS has had over 17 years to evolve, I believe that Mac OS X is phenomenal as it is. And I only think it's appropriate that we look back over the years that Mac OS X has been in the making.
Yet even though the future looks very bright for the Mac platform, as we honor Mac OS X, so should we honor the Classic Mac OS, and the joys of a intuitive, easy-to-use operating system that it brought us. Mac OS X would never be here if it weren't for the dedication that all of Apple's programmers put into the Classic Mac OS. And even though we are phasing out the Classic Mac OS from our lives, it will always be a part of my computer experience, and every other Mac user that has touched that Platinum interface. As we make the transition over from Platinum to Aqua, it is only fair that we acknowledge what the Classic Mac OS has brought to the Mac platform.
So here I appeal to all of you users, who have no doubt embraced Mac OS X. First-time Mac users, long-time Mac users, UNIX geeks who have shifted to Mac OS X, I appeal to you now. Post what you love about the Mac platform, what you love about Mac OS X. Post what you will miss from the Classic Mac OS days, whether it be the joys of Crystal Quest (the first color game ever on a Macintosh) or the initial joys of being productive on a personal computer. Post what has brought you to the Mac platform and what keeps you here. Post anything that you feel deserves attention, from the easter eggs in System 7 to the funny genie effects of Mac OS X.
This is NOT a bash Windows thread, or a thread to complain about the lack of features in Mac OS X or the Classic Mac OS. This thread is solely to honor the Macintosh operating system in its own right. Mac OS X (and arguably the future of the Mac platform)'s first birthday has passed, and so I hope that we can all briefly honor it as well as the road it took to get here. I hope that we can keep this thread alive for a while (even if after moving it to a more appropriate forum).
I will be posting what I love about the Mac platform and Mac OS X, but first, I need to eat breakfast.
And wow, has Mac OS X changed dramatically, from what was demoed in January 2000, to what we have now in January 2002! In two short years, Mac OS X has rapidly evolved, and as most anyone would agree, it has changed for the better. It almost brings a tear to my eye when I see such things as the Apple logo decal in the middle of the menu bar (in the public beta which lacked an Apple menu), and the little purple button, used for single-window mode, that used to be in the place of the long white button in the upper-right-hand corner of each window.
Mac OS X, as we know it today, is a powerful operating system that just about lives up to the standards of the ideal operating system. I'm sure there are many features that I, and many of you, still want in Mac OS X (spring-loaded folders, RAM disks, to name a couple), but I hope that Mac OS X has lived up to the hype that Apple has given it. It sure has for me. Although I still revert to some of my old Classic Mac OS habits, I know that I couldn't live without the knowledge that my applications are much less crash prone, or even the fact that I have a command line to fall back to in dire situations. I know that many of you still have complaints about Mac OS X, but seeing as it is scarcely one year old (if you only count the days since it's been officially released), and the Classic Mac OS has had over 17 years to evolve, I believe that Mac OS X is phenomenal as it is. And I only think it's appropriate that we look back over the years that Mac OS X has been in the making.
Yet even though the future looks very bright for the Mac platform, as we honor Mac OS X, so should we honor the Classic Mac OS, and the joys of a intuitive, easy-to-use operating system that it brought us. Mac OS X would never be here if it weren't for the dedication that all of Apple's programmers put into the Classic Mac OS. And even though we are phasing out the Classic Mac OS from our lives, it will always be a part of my computer experience, and every other Mac user that has touched that Platinum interface. As we make the transition over from Platinum to Aqua, it is only fair that we acknowledge what the Classic Mac OS has brought to the Mac platform.
So here I appeal to all of you users, who have no doubt embraced Mac OS X. First-time Mac users, long-time Mac users, UNIX geeks who have shifted to Mac OS X, I appeal to you now. Post what you love about the Mac platform, what you love about Mac OS X. Post what you will miss from the Classic Mac OS days, whether it be the joys of Crystal Quest (the first color game ever on a Macintosh) or the initial joys of being productive on a personal computer. Post what has brought you to the Mac platform and what keeps you here. Post anything that you feel deserves attention, from the easter eggs in System 7 to the funny genie effects of Mac OS X.
This is NOT a bash Windows thread, or a thread to complain about the lack of features in Mac OS X or the Classic Mac OS. This thread is solely to honor the Macintosh operating system in its own right. Mac OS X (and arguably the future of the Mac platform)'s first birthday has passed, and so I hope that we can all briefly honor it as well as the road it took to get here. I hope that we can keep this thread alive for a while (even if after moving it to a more appropriate forum).
I will be posting what I love about the Mac platform and Mac OS X, but first, I need to eat breakfast.