A BIZZARE psuedo server!? Pc-Mac (to use Mac's Bandwidth!)


I'm wondering whether it's possible to set up a server on my customer version of MacOS X.

But. . here's the trick.

I have a Mac OS X (on my PoweBook G3) running on airport network (DSL connection).

I would like to be able to go to my g-friends' house, she has a PC. I would like to connect her computer to my airport network (it's out of range, and she doesn't have wireless) via dialing in ( a regular modem dial in). I know , it would be a simple modem speed since she doesn't have DSL or anything.

Is it possible for her PC to dial into my phone line, and use my bandwidth to go surfing on the net?


I can't tell you absolute details, but I can give you an overview of your network after the change...

You will need a machine that can preferably be devoted to the task running PPP and multihoming (using multiple interfaces through TCP/IP at once).

The PPP server will have to route to the DSL modem or router to the internet.

Where to grab a PPP server and configure it is anyone's guess...
Well, that would require a dedicated computer to do that:
which means that I would have to

1)buy another computer, in which I'm not interested in doing , for that also entails that I would have to buiy a wireless connection kit for that computer itself.

My airport is already dedicated server isn't it?, is it possible to reroute it and use it as a lightweight server? Or at least use my laptop as a mini-lightweight server in which won't tax my computer heavily.
