when looking through the last months of stories on Apples "hot news"-section, one thing stands out: several times they are quoting articles that speak about the advantage macintosh-owners have when it comes to avoiding computer viruses.
It seem to me that this is a new tactic. yes we have always known the macintosh was nearly untouched by viruses, but it is not something that apple have used in their marketing or that is commonly known. maybe they have been afraid that it would seem too much like an open challenge to all hackers and virus-writers.
but now they even link to this article:
Virus-Free Macs -
any thoughts?
It seem to me that this is a new tactic. yes we have always known the macintosh was nearly untouched by viruses, but it is not something that apple have used in their marketing or that is commonly known. maybe they have been afraid that it would seem too much like an open challenge to all hackers and virus-writers.

but now they even link to this article:
Virus-Free Macs -
any thoughts?