A clean start is possible, but it's up to us!

Originally posted by RacerX

What? I'm forgiven for what? I had three posts deleted (starting Friday) that said or did nothing offensive. I take my complains to the moderators like we were supposed to for three days. I watch him escalate a situation that never needed to occur.

I would point out that this all started with him deleting a constructive thread on Press3. Was followed by him deleting Jadey's request for information on where the thread had gone. And then he deleted a third thread asking why the subject of Press3 was being censored.

So now I am forgiven for that? Is this for real! He never said (that I could tell) that he was sorry for starting this to begin with. Without an actual apology, I see no changes. For three days people have been pointing out the flaws in his actions, and it wasn't until we had a mass of members leaving that he became a real man about the whole thing.

Tell you what, when Jadey e-mails me telling me that she has received a complete and heart felt apology from Admin for his actions and she has been able to repost her thoughts on Press3 like she had last Friday, then, and only then will I rejoin any group that has him as a leader or member.

This was a one day ordeal for most of you, so return if you want. This was something very important to me, and I do see us actually any closer to a resolution.

See you guys on the outside.


benpoole, you just don't get it.
I see a few things that would help solve our problems:

1. Do not delete threads unless they're totally offensive. I mean threads that have no point other than to offend.

2. Lock threads that are redundant (maybe delete them after 24 hours.) I don't think anyone would disagree with that. I don't think it's necessary if it's just similar to a thread from a year ago, but when we have 4 "10.1.5 is out!!!" it makes sense. I think fewer threads will lead to better discussions and make it easier to find information you're looking for.

3. If a thread is moved or locked please give an explaination. This was a big reason I left. I saw threads disappearing all over the place with no explaination.

4. I thought we were doing a pretty good job of this already, but I think we can police ourselves a little better. Report offensive people to the mods. Let people know when they're posting in the wrong place etc.

5. We need to put an end to "Insane Posting." Personally I think the "Word association" thread is fine, but there are some really stupid threads out there with no point whatsoever. Not only that, but we have people who post in those threads just to bring them back to the top of the lists.

Those are just a few off the top of my head. I think we can work this out if we stop pointing fingers. I'd like to see Admin in here.
Originally posted by nkuvu
benpoole, you just don't get it.
No, I get it, I just have a life. Maybe some of you guys should get one too. And for people who are "gone", you guys sure seem to be able to post a lot.
This morning was a relatively good surprise to see things in a state of comparative repair.

I think EVERYONE needs to swallow their pride. I think the admin has done that. I know how a lot of people feel their contribution to the community was SEVERELY devalued yesterday, and I agree for the most part with the sentiments you guys have expressed.

I have an idea or two about what it's like to have a side project become the target of outside stresses in your life. It's horribly embarassing and there's little way to repair it. You guys may yet recieve apologies, but I don't feel that demanding them in this fashion is going to help repair the situation. When something like this happens, you just have to get away and take stock of what happened. I'm sure the admin is doing something along the lines of that right now.

This isn't giving the community a second chance... this 'second chance' is for you guys to give the admin. The best way to welcome him back is to show him a strong, collected community being responsible with the concessions he made. I feel the best thing for everyone to do is accept those concessions gratefully.

I honestly don't want to downplay ANYONE'S pain... but I ask you guys out of self interest, at the very least, because I dig you guys :)

p.s. Ben... don't be an ass. When you enjoy and belong to someplace for a long time... it matters. You make friends. You're welcome to make your own comments regarding your feelings... but don't presuppose that your level of attachement to this board or your so called life entitles you to make judgement on anyone else.
Originally posted by .dev.lqd
p.s. Ben... don't be an ass. When you enjoy and belong to someplace for a long time... it matters. You make friends. You're welcome to make your own comments regarding your feelings... but don't presuppose that your level of attachement to this board or your so called life entitles you to make judgement on anyone else.
Please... Look, everything got out of hand. Yesterday, Admin wiped the slate clean and told us he's taking a break. A wise decision IMHO. So why can't others do the same? Move on?

If people continue to make overblown and cretinous remarks about thread deletion (for Christ's sake! thread deletion! So what? I had stuff wiped out too! Big deal!) in what is essentially a nice wee discussion forum on the web, they open themselves to the criticism I made. Especially people who bleat about the fact they're leaving -- a shame, but it's their decision -- and then don't at all.

And don't call me an "ass" then proceed to tell me not to stand in judgement of people.
Originally posted by benpoole
Please... Look, everything got out of hand. Yesterday, Admin wiped the slate clean and told us he's taking a break. A wise decision IMHO. So why can't others do the same? Move on?

If people continue to make overblown and cretinous remarks about thread deletion (for Christ's sake! thread deletion! So what? I had stuff wiped out too! Big deal!) in what is essentially a nice wee discussion forum on the web, they open themselves to the criticism I made. Especially people who bleat about the fact they're leaving -- a shame, but it's their decision -- and then don't at all.

And don't call me an "ass" then proceed to tell me not to stand in judgement of people.

Most of us want to come back here. Don't criticize us for trying to work things out. If we are sure things are back to the way they should be, we'll come back for good.
is when people tell me that I said something that id just not right. I thing benpoole wanted to tell me that I said I'm gone and in the next sentence I said that I'm not.

THat is just not right. I didnt say that. I just want to show that I totally agree with all the other people who have this "gone" Avatar. :eek: People like ben are people who let me think that this board is going to go down.

And please - to both sides - dont begin where all this started and use words like "Ass". Lets all discuss this in a way we all want to discuss on this board in future.

(Personnaly I can totally feel with you dev.lqd!!!) :D

I want to stay at this board because I think I found some great friends! :eek: (And Im sure I'm not the only one) But there are things that need to be discussed in order to stay friends!
OK... well, at the moment, this is looking OK. Admin has TRIED to rectify the situation--it's not perfect for all of us, but he's very stressed (as should be obvious) and at least he's now starting to come back to his senses.

I don't want to leave MacOSX.com if I don't have to. I at least feel like I won't have to leave anymore; but whether or not this place will become the place it was last Friday is still up in the air.

I'm keeping my avatar for now, as I'm really not "back"... but I will be sometime soon, I hope.
Originally posted by Alexandert
is when people tell me that I said something that id just not right. I thing benpoole wanted to tell me that I said I'm gone and in the next sentence I said that I'm not.
Nope. General observation about these "Gone" avatars is all.

People like ben are people who let me think that this board is going to go down.
Well, jeez, now I'm the problem when all I'm asking is that people go along with Admin's post pleading for a return to sanity on the boards. :rolleyes:

And please - to both sides - dont begin where all this started and use words like "Ass". Lets all discuss this in a way we all want to discuss on this board in future.
There shouldn't be any sides in all of this, and as far as I'm concerned there aren't. There are however those who resort to insults, and those who don't.

(Personnaly I can totally feel with you dev.lqd!!!) :D
Yup, let's not get on eachother's backs here. We could all do a little 'growing up.'

Let me also say this: You guys are NOT comming back for Admin. You don't owe him anything. You do, however, owe your friends and peers here the chance to continue as such. We are a community not lead by Admin, but by eachother. Don't blow the chance to rebuild what we had because of some thick-headed stubborness.
Originally posted by benpoole
Nope. General observation about these "Gone" avatars is all.

Well, jeez, now I'm the problem when all I'm asking is that people go along with Admin's post pleading for a return to sanity on the boards. :rolleyes:

There shouldn't be any sides in all of this, and as far as I'm concerned there aren't. There are however those who resort to insults, and those who don't.


first: Whatever

second: I didnt say Its you who annoyes me. All people who behave like you!!!

third: You are a bit of right.

fourth: Dont be an Ass and keep a bit of humor! :D :p :p :D :D :D
I have a sense of humour... sometimes. But this whole storm in a teacup has s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d it to the limit.

Anyway, shouldn't you be doing something else if you're "semi-gone" -- playing Quake or "chasing chicks," something like that?

;) :p

(Yeah, I read your profile... sheesh man!)
Well I know I'm back. I was angry at first, especially when my thread and posts were deleted, but I see that things will clear up and they need to. I love this community too much to leave for good.
Ben... your interpersonal skills are awe-inspiring.

You are the one calling for a return to sanity at the end of a post heavily laden with flame-bait. Stop inciting members to riot.
This is a bit strange because I hadn't been posting here for a really long time and then yesterday I came back to complete insanity.

From what I've heard and seen about the censoring, deleted posts and bans it seems to me like it was mostly Admin's fault and that most of the people banned and censored really didn't do anything wrong. But that's just what I've heard and maybe some other people here did take it over the edge, I really don't know. I do think that Admin could have taken a bit more of the blame for what he did, but he seems to be trying to get it back to normal, and I think that's a good enough reason to start thinking about posting again.

I'll still be posting at MacFora since that's where most of the pissed off macosx.com members went and it's a great community there too. I'll give macosx.com some time to return to normal again and then I'll probably start posting again. Right now, it doesn't seem quite normal enough to start posting regularly again, but I'm optimistic that it'll get there. I love macosx.com and I hope it can once again be the great community it once was. :)

Originally posted by .dev.lqd
Ben... your interpersonal skills are awe-inspiring.

You are the one calling for a return to sanity at the end of a post heavily laden with flame-bait. Stop inciting members to riot.
Oh man, you get better and better... LIGHTEN UP!

And FYI, my "inter-personal skills" (damn stupid Americanisms) are just fine and dandy. There's no flame-bait in my post -- if you're seeing that, you really are an "Angry member" -- chill before you blow something! We were jesting with each other. That's why there are SMILIES in our posts.