Does anyone know of any efforts to create a complete Darwin distro - something similar to the distros you get for Linux? All I can find is the base system on its own.
I am aware of OpenDarwin but that is not quite what I was meaning. What I would be interested in is a distribution of Darwin that has applications, Window managers, etc all ready to install. Rather like Yellowdog Linux or FreeBSD etc.
i dont know if this would work, but could you install opendarwin and then also install fink? if so you could get all that other jibberjabber pretty easily.
I thought about that too but I can find little documentation on how to get Darwin going. When you install it you end up in the root account. I tried to create a user account and failed. Plus how do you start the modem? However I cannot comment on the level of documentation provided by fink for Darwin because I haven't looked yet. I use Fink in OS X and think it is amazing.
I wouldn't be surprised if these documentation problems were slowing the adoption of Darwin.