Thanks for the suggestions everybody.
I haven't tried them all but it looks like I will.
I have decided that using the 'Terminal' is cheating and that the solution must be found using the GUI.
The following doesn't work yet but I'm hopeful.
Using info I extracted from Darwin I tried the following
1) In 'NetInfoManager' find 'locations'
2) create a subdirectory 'lookupd'
3) under that create a directory 'hosts'
4) create a NewProperty 'LookupOrder'
4) append values from
'CacheAgent' - searchs lookupd's cache
'FFAgent' -looks up information in flat-files(/etc/hosts )
'NIAgent' - looks up info in NetInfo
'DNSAgent' - looks up info in DNS
'NISAgent' - looks up info in NIS
The agent order is supposed to be the search order.
My first attempt failed but this looks promising.
When I get time, I'll experiment some more.