A few ideas for iTunes 2......

Matrix Agent

Masochist Mascot
A few ideas...

1. Better coordination with music folder:
In OS X, there is a preset music folder, yet iTunes still insists you place your music inside iTunes' own folder, inside the documents folder. How about real time coordination with the music folder. When you delete from the iTunes playlist, it deletes from the music folder, and vice versa. Throw it in the music folder, and it shows up in the playlist.

2. CD covers off the net:
When connecting to CDDB when ripping a disc, wouldn't it be great if the cd cover was also sent, this could be used for icons, printing, browsing ect. XP has this doesn't it?

3. OS X Native:
iTunes is a carbon app, it is still slow when browsing and doesn't resize in real-time. I wonder what kinds of improvents, especially in the visualizer, a cocca version would provide.

4. New Internet Radio:
Kerbango, the provider of iTunes' internet radio is being dropped by its parent company, Apple has something in the works to replace it. I hope they have a lot more 128Kbps stations in the future.

5. DVD MP3 player
Not sure if this is even probable, but imagine if Apple built DVD capabilities into iTunes, that would be able to burn MP3 discs that could be playable in an Apple branded DVD MP3 player, somewhat like the Rio Volt. 5.3 GB of space per disc, at $20 each, can satisfy anyone's needs. In order for this to work, the superdrive would problably need to make its migration to the consumer product lines, I would imagine that this would be happening sometime around July 2002, possibly macworld NY....

Can you guys think of anything else?
6. More flexible naming options for ripping to MP3's. Previous to iTunes taking over the MP3 scene on Mac, I'd been using SoundJamMP, which allowed the prefixing of the track number on the name. iTunes doesn't do this, instead relying on the track order within the ID3 tags, which is all very well and good as long as you only use iTunes for playback. Unfortunately, this scheme doesn't work well when I go to other platforms that do not understand (or care) about track numbers in the ID3 tags. Specifically, XMMS and mpg123 (on *nix platforms) and WinAmp seem to only know how to order tracks by filename, which means that I have to manually add the prefixes if I want the album order on playback - a tedious task at best.
I'd be happy if they killed iTunes and revived the Music Player that was in the Public Beta. That was sweet! I don't know why they got rid of it:(
I don't think Music Player would encode MP3's, but it was, in some ways, nicer as a player than iTunes. What I would really like to see is SoundJam come back as a kind of 'premium' iTunes or an iTunes+ to add these things back to iTunes. I'd even be willing to pay a few bucks to get there.
Originally posted by kenny
6. More flexible naming options for ripping to MP3's. Previous to iTunes taking over the MP3 scene on Mac, I'd been using SoundJamMP, which allowed the prefixing of the track number on the name. iTunes doesn't do this, instead relying on the track order within the ID3 tags, which is all very well and good as long as you only use iTunes for playback. Unfortunately, this scheme doesn't work well when I go to other platforms that do not understand (or care) about track numbers in the ID3 tags.
Amen to that! I hate how you cant change it so it adds the track number in the file name... on anything besides iTunes, it plays the tracks in alphabetical order rather than album order. This is one of my few gripes about iTunes. Overall it's a great app IMNO, but a few little things such as this would make it even sweeter. Equalizer would be very welcome as well.
Why not tell Apple about ideas to new features instead of posting them here, I don't think we can do anything with it... :)
I would suppose so, because the carbon version has a lot of shortcomings. As long as they're going to re-write, they might as well use cocca.
remember that Apple bought/aquired Soundjam and their engineers some time ago...so I would suspect there is a great future ahead for iTunes and music, etc.

can't wait to see what's next for iTunes

My (short :-) ) list of wishes for iTunes 2:

- I want be able to rip music to .ogg files (Vorbis)
- it should have small editor when we could mix files