A funny thing happened....


Funny for me actually. Not the other guy. Let me xplain. I ordered a 15" 1.5 GHz PB with combo-drive. This being week 2 of my life with the PB, I decided to burn a music CD. Decided to casually look thru the hardware specs and found that I have a 1.67 GHz machine with SuperDrive. Oh, rapturous joy!! That means there's s'body out there that hasn't found out that they can't write DVD's. Now in such cases, what happens? Am I obliged to give the one I have back or does the supplier take the loss coz I'm sure when the other guy finds out, he's going to scream for his rightful PB!!
Actually, it was a mix up, coz the supplier told me he had ordered 2 PB's, both 15", one with SD and the other with combo drive.