A good multibutton mouse for X ?

well, this thread seemed pretty fairly divided between kensington and logitech. i just got a logitech wheelmouse.

it s pretty good. i like having that scroll wheel, and right-click.

i also got a logitech gamepad. that didn t go as well. no software support.
I've always had good luck with the Kensington Mice (mouses) also. The new Studiomouse by Kensington looks promising too. They designed it to fit with Macs specifically. Check it out.
The following are tried and true:
1.Any Microsoft Optical+Wheel+Many buttons work GREAT under Mac OS X
2.Any Logitech Optical+Wheel+Many buttons work also GREAT under Mac OS X

But selecting a mouse is a VERY personal decision in which no-one can say that this is better than that. Also, any of the two companies mice because they start at medium to high prices offer GREAT quality :)

However, personally would go for Logitech because I think that they are sturdier and you feel them more while moving and clicking around with them.

Still, at home I use my Apple Pro mouse just because it feels right :D :p :) ;)
I like the mouse that came on my Wacom Graphire. No cord or mouseball because the drawing tablet tracks it. Left and right mouse buttons and a scroll wheel. I recommend that.
I went through three MS intellimouse explorers before dumping it for a Kinsington Optical Pro mouse (which has drivers available for MacOSX. It's been great and has outlasted any of my MS mice.

I also have a cordless logitech mouse (not optical) on my family iMac. It's performed quite well. Either Logitech or Kensington would be good choices. Logitech does not have final drivers out but they do have beta version drivers which seem to work fine on the imac.
Forget Logitech. Five buttons is where it's at, and Logitech fails to deliver this.

Two great choices.

1. kärna Precision LLC: Razer Boomslang 2000 dpi.
2. Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0.

The latter comes with IntelliPoint drivers for Mac OS X. The first does not, so you need USB Overdrive, for instance, for full functionality.

The MS one isn't for lefties, by the way. The Boomslang is symmetrical so lefties aren't left out (no pun intended).

I hear Kengsingtons are okay, too, but I haven't tried one, so...

Oh, and, be sure to install MaxMenus and have one of your mouse buttons pop up an app/shortcut menu. A really good way to improve your workflow.
I love my cordless optical Logitech Mousman. I like the way it's shapped (great improvement over my previous puck mouse) and the batteries last a lot longer than the microsoft cordless mouse IMO. 3 buttons plus the scroll wheel works as the fourth. It works great for me and it has os x drivers now, even though it worked great before with simply Overdrive.
does anybody else go through a mouse every couple of months(usually around 3 months). i find that my excessive q3 habits tend to wear out left and right click so i am always buying new mice. :(

i wish there was an indestructible gamers mouse.
I can highly recommend the Logitech Mice. I have a single-optical wheel-mouse and it is just the right size and weight and wonderfully accurate. It works well from the kitchen benchtop to my beadspread (perfect for those late-night brainstorming sessions). They've always been very good with drivers, though OS X ran the mouse right out of the box.
i recently purchased the Kensington optical elite mouse which
is compatible with x. it has 4 buttons and a wheel.

now my pc envy days are almost over..

now all i wish for is more games for the mac.

cant wait for warcraft 3.... but that is besides the point :)
I have used two of the MS Intellimouse Explorer brands. THe original Intellimouse explorer worked great and now i have the Intellimouse Explorer Wireless, or whatever its called. The wireless and optical mouse. It feels fine. The buttons are in good locations although the two on the side (forward and back) took adjusting to since they are in a different spot from my first mouse.

My mom has the Logitech Wireless optical. Only problem i have with it is that it is a tad small for my hands and only has one button on the side.

It all depends on what feels good in your hands.

Oh yeah, no problems with either one being wireless. Both work at over 10 feet from the sensor. The MS mice drivers work fine in OSX. Dont know about the Logitech ones.
Macally iOptinet. (USB)

Sturdy but light mouse (i hate mice that creak and can be deformed easily -- makse them feel cheap).

Great OS X functionality
The Logitech Dual Optical Mouse is really nice, and their OSX driver works very well. The 4th button does not get in the way of normal use and the driver allows you to program key strokes or pre-set definitions (I programmed the 'back' function using key strokes).

I, too, use the Ioptinet by Macally. You can download a nice utility from Macally which enables you to customize buttons for each specific app.

Great OS X support, nice feel. I don't like saying this too much, but it even feels more precise than my Apple Pro Mouse!!!

My only criticism: the thing LIGHTS UP LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!! It screams: Radiation.. Back off!!!:cool:
so if I were to buy one I would need a lead vest to protect myself and be insured that I can have ancestors ? :p : p :p
I currently have a Logitech Optical (the $20 one) and I'm fairly happy with it. Except my family's computer (not mine) is using the mouse that came with my iMac (the Apple Pro mouse) and it has only 1 button. They want at least two buttons, so I'm going to get that Kensington Studio one with the trackpad and I'll give my current mouse to my family. I think I'll hang the Apple Pro Mouse on the wall, it's just SOO cool, I wish it had 3 buttons...
one thing about the logitech mouse is, the scroll wheel works only for scrolling. its button functionality doesn t seem to do anything. might be nice if i could map it to option-click, you know?