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Hello everyone!
I just wanted to address the use of profanity on the boards. I have noticed a slight increase in the use of profanity over the course of my volunteer status here. So...
Remember that these boards are to be considered "professional" and since in most offices, schools, religious institutions, etc. we don't hear a whole bunch of swearing I would ask that we bring it to a halt.
By all means, first amendment ho! Say what is on your mind, and express yourself! However, be considerate of those who would rather not come to a board full of cusses.
Many of you have noticed that your four letter cuss words have suddenly changed from duck to d**k overnight. This isn't some script that is run, that's me coming in and cleaning up...
So, I trust we can all be cool and stop with the swearing.
P.S. I don't like to repeat myself. This isn't a joke.
I just wanted to address the use of profanity on the boards. I have noticed a slight increase in the use of profanity over the course of my volunteer status here. So...
Remember that these boards are to be considered "professional" and since in most offices, schools, religious institutions, etc. we don't hear a whole bunch of swearing I would ask that we bring it to a halt.
By all means, first amendment ho! Say what is on your mind, and express yourself! However, be considerate of those who would rather not come to a board full of cusses.
Many of you have noticed that your four letter cuss words have suddenly changed from duck to d**k overnight. This isn't some script that is run, that's me coming in and cleaning up...
So, I trust we can all be cool and stop with the swearing.

P.S. I don't like to repeat myself. This isn't a joke.