a Mac User, Once more, as of Monday!!

Yup! Fingers Crossed, i should have my iBook once more! This time, for Good! ...Hopefully a Desktop machine and iPod in the not too Distant Future! ... man i cannot stand my Windows POS Computer no more! :mad:

:D :D

Well, you sure got no sense of timing, I'll give you that...I'd wait till after Jaguar with buying a new Mac...
LOL! Come on man, i am not that Stupid!!! its a LONG Story, but basically, its the SAME iBook i had 3 Months back, does that make more sense, and make me look, "Less Stupid" now?! :D :p

im getteing my powerbook on monday hopefully!!! i ordered it last week...and because i bought it after the 17th, i get jaguar for 20 bucks:)