A new iPod touch around the corner?


The Lone Deranger
Just having sold my iPod standard 5.5, I am music-less and I didn't realize how hard that was. Anyway, I'm trying to buy an iPod touch asap in order to fill the void, however... the reason I sold my last iPod is because it was dated and with the current iTouch approaching the end of its cycle, it brings me to a critical question: is it worth buying now or waiting?

You guys are always excellent with advice and rumours, what do you think?
It is likely that an iPhone, and probably iPod touch, update won't be too far away. As ever, we won't know the exact date that the newer model(s) will be launched, but there have been some interesting stories recently:

Apple buying up available flash RAM supplies for next iPhone - AppleInsider

Apple snapping up flash memory for new iPhone? - CNET

The MacRumors Buyer's Guide is advising to wait if possible, as a new iPod touch may be out soon.

My question to you would be how long is a reasonable time to wait and see, in your view, as it sounds like you want to replace your iPod as soon as possible. Can you wait weeks, perhaps a few months? If it were me, I'd wait just to be sure, but it does strongly depend on for how long you are willing to delay your purchase!
I couldn't wait it out, and a fresh new iPod Touch 16GB followed me home today. I'm generally happy with it. The only flaws are:

-battery lasted maybe 3 hours after the first charge (temporary, maybe?)
-YouTube WiFi froze the iPod touch (however, my battery was low)

I'm hoping these are one-time occurrences, because otherwise, I'm very happy with it.
I got a used "mint condition"16gb touch on ebay for $242, and the seller included overnight shipping for free. Just curious....how much did you pay for yours? (pm me if you do not want to post it, or just ignore my inquiry if i am being too nosy!)

Also - for better battery life, keep the brightness turned down below halfway and leave the wifi turned off when not in use.
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Thanks! I'll PM you in case you don't see my post, but I paid $330CAD/$227USD with taxes (OMG, what a difference...).