A newbie question...


Hi there. I'm a newbie to the MacOSX.com page. Where is everyone getting their icons for OS X? Is there a page somewhere with a ton of them? By the way, I like this forum, it isn't full of people fighting and arguing like many others are.
I was wondering how long it would take you to read that!

Of course, I have many french friends and my Boston Terriers are said to be descended from, some english terrier-type and french bulldogs (and some other stuff for good measure).

I guess it's just an old prejudice I carry with me. Long story made short...

I was in the metro with a lady friend and some guy tried to rob/assault us. I beat him senseless but was stabbed in the process. The cops held me and made many crude comments about my being American (at first they thought I was German - guess i look it - and maybe they still had some bad feelings regarding being crushed twice in about 50 years) and I suppose they felt I was soiling one of THEIR French women... Who knows maybe they just had a bad day?
They also implied I was at fault and would be charged. The U.S. Embassy finally helped out... but the next day I was made (with a big stamp of Persona non Grata on my paperwork) to take the hovercraft back to the UK sans the French friend (just friend)...

Anyway, long time ago and no real hard feelings. Been back and had fun actually. Attached to a French Demo team in the Gulf for a couple a days, too.

And, you are pretty cool. For a French guy :p

You know, a cop is a cop, French or not, he can't be very intelligent. I don't know if ours are the worse, but as many cops, lots are racists.
In France, lots of people think that germans are hooligans, it is exactly the same when people think that everybody in France eat escargot (I never did, and I hope I will never). I always have fun with the fact that a lot of people have this kind of ideas about a specific country, for instance "italians are robbers" or "germans all drink beer" etc ...

It makes me think of a program I saw on TV last thursday, it was about death penalty in the USA (particularly about Huntsville). I was really astonished that a developped country like the USA still used this kind of punishment. I feel it is a very unfair sentence, moreover, rich/white people are never executed ... I don't understand why there is no (or almost) reactions against "death penalty", with the butcher that is at the White House, it will not be very easy to abolish it ...

LOL...what do the french say about the greeks ??? ;)

So you are saying it would be a bad idea to go up to a cop in france and say "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" he he he ;)

or... "Parli italiano?" maybe they will think I will rob em he he he :p
Originally posted by pbreteau
You know, a cop is a cop, French or not, he can't be very intelligent. I don't know if ours are the worse, but as many cops, lots are racists.

As a former peace officer I'll try not to take offense. :(

I had heard maybe a few years ago of a police officer suing a department for not hiring him due to his scoring too HIGH on the intelligence-like testing they used.

I remember all the arguments on each side, but was wondering if you had any first-hand experience and/or remember this case. I think it was a small town in CT???
RacerX you used to be a keeper of the peace :eek: !!!!

Did they call it a batton or a club ???
I have a cop friend that tells me it;s called a batton lol.
(it's no fun being called a batton... can you think of a "batton" causing serious damage ???? :p )

Sure, it's all fun and games until someone gets his skull dented in by a disgruntled majorette. Heh.

Here in the U.S., we have many fun names for a cop's club, "club" being one of them. It's sometimes called a nightstick. I've also heard some really colorful terms for it that I won't post here since they would no doubt offend someone.
Go post the colorful terms in the "Hello everyone, may I cus" thread in "all thoughts non technical" he he he ;)
I'd love to, but probably better not, for the sake of good taste.

By the way, how exactly did we go from custom icons to police arsenal? :-)
Logical course of events

apb suggests pb's site (the french guy) and says he is cool even though he is french.

pb wonders why french are not cool in general.

apb tells us of his horrid french police experience

pb tells us that a cop is a cop

racerX tells us e used to be a cop

I ask about clubs vs battons

you come into the conversation

et voilà you have this derailment.

Originally posted by apb3
I had heard maybe a few years ago of a police officer suing a department for not hiring him due to his scoring too HIGH on the intelligence-like testing they used.

I remember all the arguments on each side, but was wondering if you had any first-hand experience and/or remember this case. I think it was a small town in CT???

I was in a small department which was associated with an academy which was right next to my school. The only requirements was part-time enrollment at the police academy (two classes per semester) plus certification with a firearm, hand-to-hand, PR-24 (that is the handled baton, Admiral), and a peace officer course given by the state (4 weeks, very easy, past with the highest grade on the exam). Most of the people on the department were looking for a career in law enforcement (I liked to work nights so I could work on my home work). The main problem I saw was with people trying to get into larger departments was passing the psychological exam (most of the results didn't surprise me).

It was mostly quiet for me. I saw quite a few bad accidents, a few people die, was shot at three different times, and made a ton of enemies when the captains picked me to fill an open sergeants position when there were 10 other officers who had worked there for two years or more waiting for that spot (I had been there 6 months, and it was known that I was not looking for a career in law enforcement).

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Did they call it a batton or a club ???
I have a cop friend that tells me it;s called a batton lol.
(it's no fun being called a batton... can you think of a "batton" causing serious damage ????

We call the straight baton a baton, and the handled one a PR-24 (I was told the PR stood for Public Relations). Most of the officer at the largest department in our area started using nunchakus instead of batons. Mace is still the easiest thing to use on someone who is coming at you.
Is mace any good for spricing up food ???
(see related simpsons episode when marge becomes a cop).

Being a cop seems quite quiet frm what I see with my friend lol (no major probs in the university lol :p)...the occasional dispute... I would hate to do incedent reports...so boring.

--> Nunchucks sound cool ;) <--
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Being a cop seems quite quiet frm what I see with my friend lol (no major probs in the university lol :p)...the occasional dispute... I would hate to do incedent reports...so boring.

Yeah, every time we made contact with anyone we had to write an FI (Field Interview) and turn them in at the end of the shift. I also wrote 3 parking tickets in about two years, 2 of them ended up being on stolen cars. The most fun was finding people in parked cars with steamed up windows :D , you get the picture ;) .