A PC after Apple's Heart

Hi All,

I'll wiegh in on this one. They are real. Macworld ran an article


stating just that. This community has rejected them as a hoax. They're not nationally marketed, not a threat to the four letter word (Dell) and offer a high-end personal computer. It's definatley not my Macintosh but this is America. Being a developer and having to go between my PC/Mac all the time, this wouldn't be a bad second machine to have, behind my G4's of course!

Read the article. Not once do they quote anybody except Lisa Ciesniewski. If Bill Gates told a reviewer that Microsoft was making a PPC-native version of OS X, would you believe it? What if he, Steve Ballmer, several other executives in Microsoft, and some people "in the know" who aren't part of the company said it?

That article bases its ascertations solely on the claims of one woman. That isn't very convincing. If Yassir Arafat stated that he was urging Palestinians to stop blowing themselves up, would you believe him based on his word alone, or would you believe him if no more attacks occured?
Well, I'm thinking the two OTHER articles, the TV appearance, and the "independent" picture give at least a bit more credibility... Or are you just ignoring all this because you're on a crusade of some sort?

I hate to be taken in, too, but I'd say that your last comment is a bit misleading, there's certainly a lot more evidence than the one article reporting about what their PR person said.
You just really want this to be a hoax, do you not?

I repeat; It is just a small computer company that has overclocked some P4's and made up some buzz words for old features.

Here is a list of other makers that could be hoax's:
http://www.vprmatrix.com/ -- I have one of these
http://www.alienware.com/ -- See these at the store. Use the same company to manufacture laptops as "L"
http://www.viciouspc.com -- This one also uses an "Extreme" P4 at 3.20GHz.
www.falcon-nw.com -- Check out MachV option 4. Same price range.
I admit, I was originally on the "hoax" camp. There was a heck of a lot of circumstantial evidence to indicate something fishy.

However, I think (perhaps I'm wrong) that I've taken this further than anyone here. I actually placed an order with them (and later cancelled it of course).

As much as I hate to eat crow over this...they..are..a..real-ish...company.

If you're not convinced (I sure wasn't), just place an order. That'll change your mind real fast when you get that email and fax invoice for $15,000.

This case is closed.
I thought it was a hoax a lonnnnng time ago.. Then I got my Maximum PC mag in the mail with the computer on the front cover.. I read the article and it's pretty interesting.

Yes they even went a step further and changed Windows XP's look to look like the large translucent icons in Mac OSX. :D

None of their "features" are really new. Most of it has been done ages ago.. SuperBIOS, CacheFlow, PuRAM. Its all old tech, just renamed to give it that badass touch.
Okay, maybe I am on a crusade... but that would involve converting heathens to Christianity and burning down villages, or something. Okay, I'm just set against believing that this company is, in fact, legitimate.
Arden said:
Okay, maybe I am on a crusade... but that would involve converting heathens to Christianity and burning down villages, or something. Okay, I'm just set against believing that this company is, in fact, legitimate.

It is a real if somewhat foolish idea for a business.
At least Alienware offers stable machines and gives you some value for the premium charged.

Oh and Arden, I went to your site... I am not fully convinced that YOU are not a hoax! :)
I was just doing some research on the l website and came across one of their laptops that looked slightly familiar. The supposed Studio laptop is the Sager NP5680. When I was looking to buy a new computer in Feb. of last year the laptops produced by Sager were in the running. Well then I saw the light at apple and settled for an iBook.
Holy sh*t. Their entire laptop line is built by Sager. I wish I would have seen that earlier and not made so many posts.
spliffua said:
Holy sh*t. Their entire laptop line is built by Sager. I wish I would have seen that earlier and not made so many posts.

Their funny that way. Many compinies re-badge the Sager line and call them their own. In the process they add almost $1k to the price.

About a year ago I was going to get the alienware laptop but through research I found the EXACT same thing for $1,200 less. Minus the paint job and name. It was then that I saw the 12" PB and having always wanted to try an Apple, I got it instead. Haven't looked back since.
citizentony said:
Their funny that way. Many compinies re-badge the Sager line and call them their own. In the process they add almost $1k to the price.

About a year ago I was going to get the alienware laptop but through research I found the EXACT same thing for $1,200 less. Minus the paint job and name. It was then that I saw the 12" PB and having always wanted to try an Apple, I got it instead. Haven't looked back since.

Well good for you! You made the right choice. BTW, did you get Apple Care on your iBook, because it might be a good idea.
Oh, pulleeeze, come on!

Cash flow, PureRam, SuperBIOS??? 3.8 GHz???

It's a good one, though, especially they copied the Apple page very well!


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