A questions for guitarists


Translator, Web Developer
I've always wondered what this thing is Bert Lams clips onto the headstock of his guitar. I seem to remember him fiddling with it like a transmitter or tuner maybe?


(PS I went to that concert, it was awesome http://www.cgtrio.com/pix/quebec2003/ )

And for those of you who don't know some of CG3s unique stuff, check Paul Richard's custom guitar http://www.cgtrio.com/pix/quebec2003/P7142018m.jpg no that's not an optical illusion, the frets are fanned.
not just a bottleneck attached for quick use..?
don't know the guy, his music - even if he ever uses a bottleneck/slide, but on the pic it may seem like he is just clipping it on to something like you would do with a capo or something.

just my 2 cents..
