A quick way to run commands/apps?


Both windows and Linux (my other OSes) give me the ability to quickly run a command. Sometimes I'll be issuing an actual command (cp ~/file.txt ~/file.txt.bak) but most of the time I'm starting an application that is in my path (notepad, calc, etc.).

Does OSX have anything like this? I really miss it.
You mean double-clicking? :rolleyes:

Hehe, I just don't understand what you're asking. What is it exactly that you want? A way to run a command in the Terminal by double-clicking a file, or something?

Just a note: heh, if you want a quick way to run a command in the Terminal by double-clicking a file, you can do that. Make a shell script document (with all the appropriate headers for an executable file), and then save it with a ".command" extension on it. When you double-click it in the Finder it will automatically launch the Terminal, execute the script you double-clicked on, and logout of the Terminal window (you still have to manually quit the Terminal).
Most UI have a simple file => run app that opens up a box and allows me to type in what I want to run. If it's in my path, all I need to do is name the app.

It's a nice way to keep the dock from filling up.
it's not quite as quick as just typing the program name, but:

open -a (application)
You need launchbar [check versiontracker]

LaunchBar has been one of the best programs I have downloaded for OSX...I absolutely love it!

Type: command-space; maco; enter and it will launch omniweb and open www.macosx.com

command-space; term; enter and Terminal opens

This thing can be configured to do anything you want in as little as 4 keystrokes.