a sad day for Be



as someone who purchased (some time ago) BeOS v4.5 for my PowerTower 210 mac, i am sad at the demise of Be...

... for a few brief years it looked as though BeOS would give Apple & M$ a run for their money - if not in volume sales, then in feature sets...

... we all know the story of Apple not buying BeOS (apparently because Be wanted $200m & apple only wanted to pay $125m)... but if Apple would have brought BeOS, then they wouldn't have brought NeXT & Steve Jobs... i'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing...

... i have a hope that the Source code for BeOS will be made public, but i suspect that it will never happen.... a real shame ....

I saw this coming a while back, palm was in precedings to buy be's intelectual assets. -- RIP BeOS :(
We were talking about BEOS on another BBS and we think that MS might buy it. It would be the perfect Linux killer.

The MAC OS is here to stay though, don't think you will have anything to worry about.

I am still waiting to see if Steve will come to his senses and do the MAC OS for the Intel based machines. I think he would make a killing selling the OS. :)

It is a good OS and with a company like MS behind it who knows.

Just a thought.;)
Apple will never release an Intel version of the Mac OS because they don't make any money with their OS. Sure, they make some money, but the majority of Apple's profits are from hardware. They need people to buy the hardware in order to stay afloat .. selling the OS to people who in turn won't have to buy a single bit of Apple hardware would be suicide.

Not to mention, Apple's whole strategy is controlling the hardware and the software so everything works nicely together.

I see your point, but Steve could sell his OS and make money, alot of it if he played his cards right.

I know they make money on the hardware, thats why it is out of this world expensive.

He had a good chance to do it back when IBM screwed up back in the early 80's. If he would have jumped on it things today might have been alot different.

Today alot of PC users are looking for another OS to goto because of the Windows XP issue. If Steve would jump on it I think as alot of others do that Steve might be suprised what happens.

I like the MAC OS, always have. It's the hardware that holds Apple back from really making a large jump in market share.

They like the OS, but not the machines.
i think i'm gonna dig out my PowerComputing PowerCenter Pro 210 (128mb ram/2+2+2Gb scsi hd) & install BeOS on it....

... i think it's kinda apt that the Clone that almost was should be running the OS that almost was...

...(then i'll get seti running on it! - up to 4330 units so far (got 7 machines running it!))

I;ve got BeOS 5 Pro (no old mac to install it on, and it partially works on VPC3 lol)

As for apple making money on OSes -- I think not.
There have been many companies that tried to make money off of an OS alone and they have failed
Be is one of them
NeXT is another
Solaris is far from failed but their x86 version isnt as good when compared to the SPARC version.
Yeh..there is linux, but there are a gazillion distros out there, and I doubt that RedHat and SuSE are making as much money as they could. After all they dont spend A LOT of money on R&D since linux is basically free and they resell work that the free GNU community has put out. They contribute some, but they dont do all the work. -- apple, like be and next, would fail in selling just an OS and backup programs for it.

M$ has too much of a foothold in this market

If Apple don't make any money on OS X, why don't they lower the price then to make it cheaper and more attracted.

NEW! OS 10.2 only $49 "Cheaper and more powerful"