A swicther needing help.

well, i'll continue assuming that you are asking about legal movies and legal music that can be found on the web. Doing a google search is easy once you get safari.

we do not allow information on how to illegally obtain any copyrighted material on this site. so if you're looking to score the latest blockbuster for free, look eslewhere.
Hahaha. Don't worry. I mean things like Video Game Remixes and Game Trailers, it's all legal. Also I read through that guide and have it all figured out. Thanks a load guys. One more thing I was reading about Safari on Apple's site and said it works best with OS X Jaguar v10.2.3. I have only v10.2 I think. Is it still with the download?
use your software update in your system prefs. to stay updated to the latest version or go to apple support for download installers. they are also normally posted at www.versiontracker.com and www. macupdate.com as well. but software update will keep everything that came with your system up to date.

if you like movie trailers, apple has nice ones in quicktime format in their quicktime section.
I just downloaded Safari and it's really nice. Though I'm having a problem again. I'm able to save trailers and movies on my Mac the same way I do music. Though when using Safari it saves a direct link to page it's on istead of the movie. How can I get it to just save to movie?
Safari shortcuts:
Hold command (the apple-key) and click a link to open that link up in a new window.
Hold "alt" and click on a link to download the destination of the link (the source, the movie par exemple).
Cntrl and click gives you a menu with options.
Maybe some trailer-sites have a download-protection?
Since you are new to OSX you probably have not seen this:
hold shift while clicking the yellow minimizing button of any window.
Also, if you minimize movies in quicktime while they are running, they keep on playing in the Dock.
Originally posted by Decado
Safari shortcuts:
Hold command (the apple-key) and click a link to open that link up in a new window.
Hold "alt" and click on a link to download the destination of the link (the source, the movie par exemple).
Cntrl and click gives you a menu with options.
Maybe some trailer-sites have a download-protection?

Here's where I'm having trouble saving. You can see from this link, you are able to save these movies onto you computer by right clicking on the address listed below. I hold down Control and click the link then select Download Link to Disk. This worked fine when I was using IE but when using Safari it only saves it as a html. not a MPEG. I need them to be MPEG.
But if you click the link, does the movie play in quicktime or in safari? if it plays in quicktime it have been downloaded to your hard-drive. If it is in Safari it is probably connected to the page (like the osX movies in my previous link) and are protected from downloading. A lot of trailer-sites do that. :(
That first one is a Flash-file. and the rest on the everquest-site is protected. irritating!
Maybe someone knows a trick to get around that. I don't.
Exscuase me? This movie is a quick time formate isn't it? Also did me link take you to everquest.com? It should be a link to IGN.com/the movie.